Geardo Reviews the PsychoDayZ Dodge Charger (DayZ 1.09)

4 years ago

This time, in my ongoing search for the perfect vehicles to add to my new server, I'll be reviewing the PsychoDayZ Dodge Charger. I'll be looking at more than just cosmetics. I'll be looking at speed, power, maneuverability, and utility. Most important: If it can't climb a hill, it won't get a green check.

Update (December 2020)
The Charger is no longer included in the free PsychoGaming vehicle mod. It has been moved to the PsychoGaming Rustic Racing Pack:

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Full-time video producer/photographer, part-time streamer. I'd like to stream at least 3 days a week, but life gets in the way. Follow me on Twitter to get updates.

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