The David Knight Show 12/29/2020 - Full Show

4 years ago

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3:00 CNN’s gives infantile lesson on what a social bubble is & how to live your “new normal” as police raid churches, diners, movie theaters, hair salons & skiers as the police state escalates

16:30 Fauci laments the Constitution gets in the way of his fascism. Why are there differences in state approaches? Is it Republicans vs Democrats? Or is it the lessons of the Laffer Curve applied to lockdown

26:19 Marco Rubio criticizes Fauci. Republicans held their fire but it’s safe now to criticize as Biden and Democrats take the reins.

29:14 The man behind the Imperial College simulation says gloats about the REAL China virus — the lockdown, modeled by China then adopted by the rest of the world. (The simulation was the seminal lie that said 2.2 MILLION people would die, given by “two smart people”, Fauci & Birx, to Trump who then issued National Emergency Exec Order.)

35:46 How the Davos CommonPass (health passport) is, in principle and technology, like the tattoos and Hollerith codes developed by IBM for Nazi prisoners & slave labor. IBM is even collaborating with Davos (along with most tech companies, including Linux)

48:35 It took govt more time to approve $600 “stimulus” than it took to approve COVID vaccine

51:53 Incredible blunders in shipping, storing, administering vaccines — and adverse reactions. Manufacturer overfills some vaccine vials, “health providers” don’t properly dilute and give 5x’s the dose, vaccines not properly refrigerated. But if you die WITH the vaccine, you don’t die FROM the vaccine — UNLIKE a COVID death

1:06:25 Trump veto of NDAA. Will removing Section 230 stop tech censorship? Poland has the answer being willfully ignored by the Feds

1:16:44 Gohmert lawsuit against Pence — will courts give Pence authority to choose between slates of electors? What happens if they do? What happens if they don’t?

1:28:29 Govt finally admits “Havana Syndrome” is directed energy weapon attack. How does that tie into FBI’s Nashville bombing narrative about 5G, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the Frey Effect?

1:40:13 Gates & media push geoengineering (formerly dismissed as a conspiracy theory)

1:41:57 Flamethrowing Tesla, frozen solid whale washes up on beach (global warming?) and social distance yourself from Hollywood’s Christmas bomb — Wonder Woman 1984

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