Tweet Series Day 36 (Oct 22, 2020)

4 years ago

These are my thoughts from weeks ago. I know Gals heart was in the right place, but still this is my raw emotion:
Hello Everybody, this is @IvankaTrump. She does so much for everyone. She is a great representative of what is needed in Government. She has many detractors; one is @ChelseaHandler. Let’s compare the two. Ivanka: married, children, stands up for what is good in the world, and a leader in Business. Chelsea: not married, no kids, total word I can’t say, rips on people for being, you guessed it: a Trump Supporter, 3 failed TV shows, keeps posing naked when no one wants to see it. We need less Chelseas, and Sarah Silvermans in the world. Another fake strong woman is @GalGadot. You would think all of the power of #WonderWoman would make her more compassionate, but there she was leading the pukefest of a celebrity song. When she smiles when she says the line, “Imagine there is No Heaven” and you lost your loved ones to Covid-19, what would you think? Shame on you and your fellow celebrities. I won’t even say what I should say, I’ll be nice. If young females want a great role model to look up to, how about @KayleighMcEnany. @Acosta gets destroyed every time he crosses her. I bet he cries 96 Tears after every press conference. Go Kayleigh Go!!!

Note—Play “Kayleigh McEnany welcomes Jim Acosta back with a Smackdown”; Go @KayleighMcEnany Go!

Note—Play Question Mark & The Mysterians “96 Tears”; @Acosta Theme Song

P— Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count, this is once again @ChelseaHandler. Her show was hilarious. I can’t believe I did this, but I actually missed @BarryBonds iconic, record-breaking homerun because I was watching her show. That’s when you know you are funny. Another funny comedian is @SarahKSilverman. She used to do roasts on #ComedyCentral, and she was great at it. Another funny roaster is #JeffreyRoss. He is misguided at times, but he is the GOAT of all roasters. Roasts are hilarious because we all have to learn to laugh at ourselves once in a while. You are the Roast Master General indeed. I can’t believe all your shows are cancelled. What the heck is wrong everyone? Another great roaster was #GregGeraldo. He delivered the funniest 4 minutes I have ever heard in my life. I can’t believe he is gone. I am still heart-broken to this day. RIP! Also, @GalGadot is an awesome #WonderWoman, but @RealLyndaCarter may be misguided at times, but she is the GOAT of Wonder Women. Strong, kick ass, Wonder Women kick all forms of ass.

Note—Play “Greg Geraldo Roast Collection”; The first four minutes are the best #RIPGregGeraldo

Note—Play “Wonder Woman Opening and Closing Credits and Theme Song”; #WonderWoman Salute them all

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