terrestrial rodent, Siberian squirrel

4 years ago

Ground rodent, Siberian squirrel. It eats seeds from human hand, even it shakes hands

Siberian squirrel hibernates during the winter months and shares its burrow with its congeners. It is a rather solitary animal enjoying living in a marked separate territory, but it communicates with its fellows using two types of sounds, the lower one seeming to be used for breeding.

Siberian squirrel is a lively little animal, it has very good eyesight and, thanks to its vibrissae, these are sensory organs specific to its way of life, These are long keratin extensions (hair in mammals and feathers in birds) which transmit their vibrations to a sensory organ located at their base, a developed tactile sense.

The squirrel's tail is in a bushy plume that is very mobile, and when it moves from branch to branch, it serves as a rudder, or rather a pendulum, when it jumps. What is less known is that the tail is sometimes used as a means of communication and as an optical signal between males and females during mating season.

It belongs to the Class:

North Asia

Buds, seeds, roots, chicks, small reptiles and fungi


Adult weight:

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