Covid-19 and Resetting the Global Central Banking System To A Totally Digital System Using Their Plandemic To Facilitate It

4 years ago

Catherine Austin Fitts, Former HUD Assistant Secretary during the
George H.W. Bush administration, now Publisher of the Solari Report
and Managing Director of Solari Investment Advisory Services speaks about the Global Bankers plans to do away with currency and establish a worldwide digital banking system to replace it. She also explains how they initiated the COVID-19 Plandemic to facilitate their plan.

This planned new digital system will monitor EVERY TRANSACTION EVERYWHERE ON THE PLANET including the common every day monetary transactions we all perform every time we buy groceries, gas, pay our utility bills, or any other type of payments or purchases. Have you ever wondered why globalists, communists, the U.S. democratic party elites and other super rich people want this “great reset” to occur?

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