Tweet Series Day 30 (Oct 16, 2020)

4 years ago

Hello Everybody, this is @Rosie. She is one of the great comedians of our time… Ha Ha Ha, I tried, but she did have some good moments. It is just sad when people with talent let it get to their head. I am not sure why someone so beautiful (laughing) just cannot come out and be themselves from the beginning. Think about all of the great movies that her presence has ruined. She is funny though. Another funny comedian is @Ellenshow. Her coming out moment was huge for America. It showed that no one has to hide from who they are anymore. That spirit is alive and well today. We celebrate our diversity. As with most great talents, power and greed usually take over. Look at the people distancing themselves from her. It’s almost like she has something to hide. Her wife and her have reportedly had marital problems for years (I wonder why). Earlier this year, she got a lifetime achievement award at the “let’s celebrate us” awards (I wonder why). Every news story on my phone is either Fake News or a story about her. Her biggest defender is @KatyPerry. Hey Katy, what did Lucifer tell you to say today? #ElephantInTheRoom #2FakeStoriesAnd1Ellen

Note—Post Screenshot of #KatyPerryDevilChild

Note—Post Screenshot of Ellen DeGeneres with a picture of #Feminem and a picture from yesterday’s Ellen show

Note—Play “WWE Rick ‘the Model’ Martel Arrogance” Vignettes; I found Ellen’s favorite Cologne #Arrogance

Note—Post Screenshots of #2FakeStoriesAnd1Ellen

P— Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count, this is once again @Rosie. Sorry if I was a little harsh there. Rosie was in the GOAT of baseball movies, “A League of Their Own.” A sport that has had a ton of great movies made; I don’t know how much bigger of a compliment I can give. It had @Rosie, who was fantastic in it, a great Director #PennyMarshall, and many other talented actors. It was such a great story that shows how well received women’s sports can be. Two other great actors in the movie are @Madonna and @realJonLovitz (whose SNL characters seem to be really prevalent today). I am not sure if @Madonna knows what Jon said about her, but it is “Acting” and he’s “Brilliant.” The movie had so many great lines, but my two favorites far and away are “There’s No Crying in Baseball” and “You’re Gonna Lose…” I’m hoping the second one is true on a baseball city that I would love to visit again in the very near future.

Note—Play “A League of Their Own – There’s No Crying in Baseball”; #YoureOuttaHere

Note—Play Jon Lovitz, “Get to Know Me! -SNL”; #Brilliant

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