1 kings 15 Reigns of Abijah and Asia Bible study for Mesianics who follow Yeshua

4 years ago

Abijam is a sinful king just like his dad. Still, because his great-grandpa David was so righteous (except for that whole Uriah the Hittite thing), the Lord preserves his lineage.
The war between Israel and Judah continues throughout Abijam's life, and then he dies.
His son Asa becomes king, and he is actually a good guy. He takes away all of the idols and temple prostitutes, and even takes away his mom's (or grandma's?) crown because she is an idol-worshipper. Way to clean house, Asa.
He doesn't go so far as to tear town the pagan temples, but he still manages to remain pure of heart for all his days, and fills the temple with lots of gold and silver and other treasures.

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