Ep. 7 - Hunter 23.5 "Spray N Wash" - Trailer Probs, Gauges, Electronics, Bulkheads, Bimini Top

4 years ago

Time not sailing is time to keep working on the boat. In this episode, I tackle latent issues with the trailer lurking under the boat, install a gee-whiz-bang high-tech engine monitoring system, finish installation of all the on-board electronics systems, install two beautiful teak bulkheads in the cabin, have a new tiller made and installed, and a new bimini top. I haven't just been sitting on my bum! Originally published July 2020.

Trailer and metal work in Bath Maine: http://www.rvimotorsports.com

Teak veneered marine plywood and trim supplier: http://www.buckwoodcraft.com

Engine monitoring system: http://www.mobilegauges.com

Clamp for tiller auto pilot: https://www.ebay.com/itm/House-Tuning-1-625-Inch-Roll-Bar-Clamp-Tube-Clamp-Bracket-Roof-Bar-Clamp-For-At/163935157907?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

Bimini top: https://amazon.com/dp/B01BV2N53E?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_product_details

Intro and closing music: "Wings of Steel," Reynard Seidel, Epidemic Sound.

Other music: "Five Foot Two" and untitled melody, Clayton Watson, ukulele.

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