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Tweet Series Day 13 (Sept 29, 2020)
Hello Everybody, this is @TMorello from @RATM. His music was fun and exciting in the 90s. Now that the movie has played out into real life, it is not really that cool. He preaches about being anti-corporate America. Did you know he’s worth $35 Million? I guess he never practiced what he preached. He certainly wasn’t on an Indy Label his whole career. To his credit, he had a radical mother and a dad who left when he was young. Maybe that’s why he says the things he says. To everyone else blaming others for their problems, “You’re Not Mad at Trump, You’re Mad at You’re Dad.”
Note—Cannot find original Tweet (Cannot credit the author)
P— Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count. Great Dads Kick Ass. I should know, I have a terrific father. He is my inspiration. I am just like him. He inspires me to be great. I also have a Great Father-in-Law. He gave me the greatest gift of all, his wonderful Daughter. I am just like him as well. To the Strong and Powerful Dads in this Country and around the World, I salute You.
P—I’m not done. Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count, this is @Springsteen, the Boss. He is a very talented musician. He has fans everywhere and especially in New Jersey. His song “Born in the USA” may be about something else, but when I put it on, I can only think of one thing. Another classic of his is “Glory Days”. When it comes on the radio, everyone pays attention. It is such as powerful song. Another great song he did was “The Ghost of Tom Joad”, #RageAgainstTheMachine covered it and they played it great. There was so much energy on a powerful song. Another powerful singer in music’s history is @JohnnyCash. I am a fan of Rock so I say he is Rock and Roll, others say he is Country which is fine. I am not the biggest fan of #CountryMusic but it usually seems to have a good message. We will probably never know what Johnny really was, all we know is that he was the “Man in Black.” That message will stand the test of time. If you don’t know what it is about, do the work. I’m not going to do it for you. I would listen to his whole catalog. It just shows you how talent can evolve over the years. To @JohnnyCash, I Salute You! #ImGonnaBreakMyRustyCageAndRun and there’s another one and another one.
Note—Play Rage Against the Machine “The Ghost of Tom Joad (Woodstock 99)”; ”Welcome to the New World Order”—Bruce Springsteen
Note—Play Johnny Cash “Rusty Cage”; #RustyCage
Note—Play Johnny Cash “When the Man Comes Around”; #WhenTheManComesAround
Note—Play Johnny Cash “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”; #GodsGonnaCutYouDown #JayZ2MinIn
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