Ezra Levant To Alex Jones: "I Thought You Were Crazy. But Then? All This Crazy Sh*t Happened."

4 years ago

Sources: DMX - Stop Being Greedy HQ - https://youtu.be/xKLTKa_4qRY - ALEX JONES (2nd HOUR) Thursday 12/10/20 • Ezra Lavant, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars - https://www.bitchute.com/video/uXKzMWc0fxT9/

GAB - https://gab.com/ManFoWars
Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/manfowarscom/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ManFoWarsDotCom
Brighteon - https://www.brighteon.com/channels/manfowarsdotcom

PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/manfowars
Email / E-Transfer: blackkrishna@protonmail.com
Direct Deposit: Trans: 30582 . Inst: 004 . Acct: 6062898
Contact: BK @ 647-781-1580
Activist Consulting: Contact

COVID-19: Friendly Faces @ Toronto's Anti-Lockdown - 500 Strong and Growing! - https://www.bitchute.com/video/lAQkubXJBvAr/

COVI-DONE: Toronto May 16 Anti-Lockdown Rally - The Great Canadian House Party! - https://www.bitchute.com/video/tzyBGtrfMiAm/

The Great Canadian House Party! Keep Self-Respect! - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Uinr0U9q32UY/

Raw Videos to download and use - https://archive.org/details/@manfowarsdotcom

Beat censorship - Download videos to make more - BitChute - https://www.tubeoffline.com/download-bitchute-videos.php - YouTube - https://www.y2mate.com/en19

Want to beat the COVID-1984 Plandemic? Martial Law? Depression?
We locally beat "Swine Flu" last time - and - we can beat this today!
When the media makes a topic okay for everyone to talk about?
Our neighbours will take our info to talk better with each other!

We may save a few from "The Flu" and kill many with "The Depression".


* Covid Globalist Attacks Local Response Plan *

Polite patriots worldwide? Help neighbours offline respect and talk well and teach kids to. Beat political baby talk to get better leaders and places. Most people like polite and want to be nicer in this "crisis" in case they need help. If we can still go offline? Outside? Versions of this simple plan worked for thousands of years:

The Offline Info War: Can Polite Patriots Beat Junk Mail?

Meet online to meet locally offline. Protest to show numbers and make public statements. Trade info to do much more in person by taking yourselves, beliefs and neighbours seriously. Polite patriots post ads for local meetings. Enjoy meals. Speak freely. Become friends. Feel like acting on what they say. Unlike online with strangers.

Use meet and greet tables in public areas to politely discuss with neighbours. Or share info to go. Posters, flyers and DVD's are great non-confrontational ways to inform and empower everyone. Men with balls and 50 pound backpacks? Could save where they live while everyone feels great. Text to meet and do it anonymously. Or film it to inspire others.

FYI: US Army PSYOP does the same thing to win hearts and minds - https://www.bitchute.com/video/DJyclRcKq1lL/

Free flyers about COVID-19 questions and more. Click on "PDF" or "PowerPoint" or "Word Document" on the right to download and adapt copies as desired. 4 - 10 per black and white 8.5" x 11" page.


Polite patriots can avoid arguing with family, friends and neighbours about unfamiliar ideas if they can't politely discuss. Instead? Print and cut these cheaply. Share them everywhere so people can research on their own first.

Locked-Up In Solitary? Still Rarely Allowed Out?
Groups Use Masks and Hand Sanitizer to Share?
Leave These In Hands? Windshields? Mailboxes?
Stretch Arms and Legs Out To Stay 2 Metres Away?
Bring Cameras As Media Is Allowed Out To Report?

How Polite Patriotic Canadians Can Inform and Empower Everyone - https://www.bitchute.com/video/mbkr9VBOcOa5/
How To Truth Action - https://www.bitchute.com/video/74qaKCMNwtje/
How To Red Pill Your Town or City - https://www.bitchute.com/video/kRkmkf6cINwr/
CBC News Covers TTS - https://youtu.be/4VSKC1Fu5Ys
Vaccine Exemptions - http://vran.org
BANNED DOCTORS PRESS CONFERENCE: COVID-19 "Response" Hoax - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Suown1Zbg0i0/
Corona Virus Song: "WHO Shot Ya?" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/fVMtgBqHOPr4/
MEN. CAN. WORLDWIDE. - http://manfowars.com/index.html


* Good News *


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