Hang onto The Hope

4 years ago

The loudest voices are trying to steal our hope and joy, but let's remember the true Hope each of us can have as our own. If that Hope lives in our hearts, it can never be taken away.

Go here to learn about the Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol. Dr. Zelenko brakes down the population into age groups and lays out an easy to understand explanation for a healthy, fear-free life. Links are provided to citations which dive deeper into the science behind the protocol. Knowing the truth and the science will eliminate the fear.

Unmask Our Freedom is here to remind Americans that freedom is OURS. We don't need permission to live our lives as intended by God and The US Constitution. Unmask your freedom and invite others to enjoy the light of freedom again!

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"What Child Is This" - Jon Sayles, https://www.freemusicpublicdomain.com/royalty-free-christmas-music/

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