Col Waldron - Dominion Was On Mr. Krebs' Advisory Counsel

3 years ago

“Dominion was on Mr. Krebs’ Election
Security Advisory Counsel” - Col. Phil Waldron

“It is not enough to simply beat Trump.
He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

David Plouffe Tweet, June 13th, 2016 –
Plouffe was Barack Obama’s Campaign Manager in 2008

Watch a Woman Demonstrate How a Dominion Vote-Counting Machine’s Adjudication Feature Can Be Used to Manipulate a Completely Blank Ballot, and Cast it For Whoever She Wants

Reportedly, there were 106,000 ballots adjudicated in Fulton County, Georgia; 80,000 in Gwinnett County, Georgia; and 28,000 in Maricopa County, Arizona.

See the video here:

Early Voters in Arizona were told to use an Ink Pen to Vote, Election Day Voters told to Use a Sharpie.

Col. Waldron testified in Arizona that in Maricopa County, they instructed all people casting mail-in ballots, and people voting early, to fill out their ballots using an ink pen.

However, on Election Day, when most Trump supporters voted, they were told to fill out their ballots using a Sharpie, which bled thru, causing a majority of those ballots to be flagged for “adjudication.” Witnesses testified that poll workers were continuously pushing a GREEN BUTTON on the machines when their ballots were inserted (on Election Day), which forces the machines to accept the ballots filled out using a Sharpie, but then flags them for “adjudication” where they can be manipulated later.

Col. Waldron’s KEY Testimony Regarding Dominion Vote-Counting Machines before the Michigan and Arizona Legislatures

See the video here:

Bio: Who is Col. Phil Waldron?

Col. Waldron: “So, my background in the military, I started off my career as an Air Cavalry Officer, flying helicopters, counter-reconnaissance, reconnaissance. I moved later, into Information Warfare as an Information Operations Officer, running Psychological Operations, Computer Network Operations, Deception, Operations Security, and Electronic Warfare, Special Electronic Warfare. And, our team has been researching this specific issue since August of this year. We're working with another team that's been intently working on this "voting machine manipulation" for about two years, when it became apparent in the Ted Cruz and Beto race in 2018, as well as the Kentucky Governor's race with Matt Bevins.

Col. Waldron: “We saw significant anomalies in those races. That's our experience, our background working this system. And, I would tell you, as an Unconventional Warfare, Information Operations - Information Warfare Specialist, the American populace is facing an Unconventional Warfare scenario. THIS IS INFORMATION WARFARE.

Col. Waldron: “Again, my background as an Information Warfare Officer is HOW TO GET IN AND CORRUPT THESE MACHINES, to conduct strategic influence operations. How do I get the enemy (or a targeted population) in a foreign country to think and act a certain way.

@ The Arizona Hearing November 30th, 2020

Rudy Giuliani: “What did you, well, let me ask you this other question. One of the former officials of the United States Government, a gentleman named Chris Krebs, the former DHS official; shortly after the election, he made an announcement, that many of these people refusing to look at any evidence are relying on, what did he say?

Col. Waldron: “Um, Mr. Krebs was the Director of CISA, at DHS and he basically said that this election was the most secure in history.

Rudy Giuliani: “The most what?”

Col. Waldron: “The most secure in history.”

Rudy Giuliani: “The most secure in history.”

Col. Waldron: And, partially that was because “the states do an excellent job validating voter rolls” and that “this equipment is not connected to the internet.” That was in his

Rudy Giuliani: “He said this equipment, which was largely Dominion and several others, is not connected to the Internet? Is that correct?

Col. Waldron: Yes Sir.

Rudy Giuliani: “Now, is Dominion on his counsel?

Col. Waldron: “Dominion is, was on Mr. Krebs’ election security advisory counsel.

Rudy Giuliani: “And, is there substantial evidence, not only here in Arizona, like other states, what we have presented in Pennsylvania, that Dominion was in fact, connected to the Internet?

@ The Michigan Hearing December 2, 2020

Michigan Legislature Committee Chair: “We had talked about Dominion. Was there something that you wanted to discuss about Dominion? I understand that perhaps you’ve examined these machines. I know, for us, we can’t get Dominion to come in and testify. And, one thing that I would like to do is examine their machines, to understand; because, my belief is that if we could look at the machines, if we could examine their software, we’d have a good idea then, of whether all of this stuff is true or not.

Committee Chair: “But the problem that I have is that because Dominion won’t come in, they won’t testify, they won’t provide us machines, they won’t do these things. It’s hard for me to wrap around this Dominion theory because basically we’re going off of what people are saying. And, we’re hearing nothing from Dominion.

Committee Chair: “So, as we’re investigating, I think that would be very valuable to us. But, from what I understand, you’ve looked at this. So, what can you tell us about the Dominion voting system?

Col. Waldron: “We began looking at these companies, as I mentioned, the team that we joined began studying this back in 2018, after the Kentucky Governor’s race, and then several races in Texas, with the E.S.&S machines. We really started looking at the lineage of these companies, and the code to the software. And, they really seem all to go back to Smartmatic, SGO Smartmatic.

Col. Waldron: “They do have licensure agreements between Smartmatic and Dominion; between Smartmatic and ES&S, which is another major voting machine. And, really the core of these voting systems are rife with vulnerabilities.

Col. Waldron: “I was an Information Warfare Officer, so I looked at ways to penetrate, defeat, and corrupt other systems – whether it was through Electronic Warfare, through other means. And, these systems are highly vulnerable to penetrations at multiple levels throughout the system.

Col. Waldron: “Um, the easiest way, and the most discreet way, is USB drives.

Col. Waldron: “Um, in classified systems in the military, I worked with both secret and top secret, and other special access programs. All those machines, uh, had the USB drives deactivated. You could not use them, just because of the critical vulnerability.

Col. Waldron: “These machines All work off of USB drives. And so, there’s really, we’ve found, in dealing with Pennsylvania, and in Arizona, there is no control. There is no chain of custody in the USB drives. Workers can stick a USB drive in, we can stick a USB drive into ANY of our laptops. You don’t know what’s on there. And, you can change software. You can change operating systems with USB drives.

Col. Waldron: And, the core of these systems is manipulability.

Col. Waldron: “Um, this is the Operators Manual. And, the implementation statement for 5.1. One of the myths that has been propagated, even by the Director of CISA at Homeland Security, which is the Cyber Security infrastructure, uh Security Agency, is that, ‘Well, these machines are not connected to the Internet.’

Col. Waldron: “In the Operator’s Manual, there’s a whole page of references that show you how, and when, to connect, and what selectors to connect, to servers and to routers, so it is connected to the Internet.

Col. Waldron: “That’s how you get election night reporting. Um, that’s through another company called Clarity Elections. They provide early reporting to the news media.

Col. Waldron: “Matter of fact, as I was looking at one of your, one of the counties where I saw the spike, I believe it was Oakland County. Um, I was going to the Oakland County, the 2020 elections results. And, I clicked on the elections results and a warning flag pops up to the right side, and it says, ‘You are leaving this domain. You are going to Clarity Elections/MI.

Col. Waldron: “So, information for the counties in your state isn’t really owned or maintained by your state, but rather, a Corporation that’s owned by SOE software and SCYTL, which is a Madrid, Spain Corporation. It went bankrupt in May of 2020 and was purchased by another U.K registered company.

Col. Waldron: “So, we recently found, and we’re digging further, that there was a $400 million dollar financial transaction to Dominion voting systems in October. One month before our election. We’re digging into that. But we know through some of the leaked information from the Panama banking system that SGO/Smartmatic and Dominion both share a physical address in a small building in Barbados – as registered headquarters. So, these companies share licensing agreements, they share a common core, their DNA is the code, is the software. And, I’ll be happy to provide you an electronic copy of this Operator’s Manual. And, when you read through here, you can see all the options that administrators and operators of these systems have. Like some of the previous witnesses mentioned, they can assign, they can vote blank ballots. They can delete data. They can mass-adjudicate write-in ballots. So, it is designed to be inaccurate. It is designed to, if an individual, or a team of individuals has a maligned purpose, this would be the tool that I would want to use.

Rudy Giuliani: “Colonel, tell them the history of Smartmatic. When did it start? Where did it start? And, what was it developed to do?

Col. Waldron: “Smartmatic was designed/developed in Venezuela. Hugo Chavez was President. And, basically he invested, I believe, 28% of the money to fund Smartmatic; to control the Venezuelan elections. I personally debriefed the son of a Cuban intelligence officer who was at dinner with two of Hugo Chavez’s relatives, when Maduro’s election was in question due to the populace’s uprising in Venezuela. And they told him, the son of the Cuban intelligence officer, ‘Don’t worry. It’s guaranteed. Our father invested the money to start SGO.’

Rudy Giuliani: “Have they been involved in numerous elections that have been questioned as to the integrity of the election?

Col. Waldron: “Numerous elections in Central America, the South Pacific, and Europe.

Rudy Giuliani: “Are they allied with Dominion?”

Col. Waldron: “Well, at least in Barbados with the shared corporate office.”

Rudy Giuliani: “Does Dominion use their software?”

Col. Waldron: “The Dominion software, where the merger of the DNA comes, there is the licensing agreement. And, as a result of a law suit, Sequoia Voting Systems was sold off of SGO, and purchased by …

Rudy Giuliani: “And who owned Sequoia?

Col. Waldron: “SGO/Smartmatic owned Sequoia. They sold Sequoia voting Systems to Dominion Voting Systems. And, they also purchased Premier as a result of an anti-trust [matter]. So, all of the DNA in the code and the software, in these machines are very, very similar. As a matter of fact, there is testimony on the House floor, as late as July of 2019, that decries that we’re actually still using this equipment that is full of holes. My team is doing analysis all over the country right now. We can’t meet the demand because there is so much. There’s about a forty page document with vulnerabilities that was pulled down off of Stacy Abrams’ website. About these systems. Cross the party, cross the isle. There’ve been Democrat Senators, Senator Klobachar, Senator Warren, as well as Republicans. So this is an American issue. This is a national security issue. Our voting systems are defined as National Critical Infrastructure. Just as critical as nuclear power plants. Just as critical as petri-chemical, steel, and ports.

Rudy Giuliani: “What’s fractional voting?”

Committee Chair: “Can I ask, I’m going to ask a question here. I just wanted to understand, Why, so, when we hear these things, they say in the press, they say, “This has been debunked?” Every time I read about this, they say this has been debunked. Let me ask you, when you hear that, why do you think they’re saying that? Because, we do hearings like this, and for many people, this is the only time they hear testimony like yours. But, why are they saying it is ‘debunked?’ Do you have a theory on that?

Col. Waldron: “I have a theory in life. And, it’s about people and personal behavior. It’s either a variable of competence or a variable of commitment. In this case they would either be incompetent, they haven’t done the research like I and my team have done. They haven’t looked to the User’s Manual of these systems. They haven’t rationally thought that, Okay these election votes are updated in real time. How does that happen? Nobody’s getting in a car from Lansing. Michigan and driving it to New York to be uploaded to the Rockefeller Center. So, these are connected. And, actually, in the operating diagrams of the systems, the high level block diagrams, this Democracy Suite, it shows. Democracy Suite EMS application and document management server, the Democracy Suite Data Base Server, the Data Center. This is data. This is electronic data. Your ballots are put into the machine. And, they’re turned from a paper ballot to a ballot imagine. And the ballot image is data. And, the data can be manipulated with something as easy as a USB drive.

See the video here:



Fulton County Photo #1.jpgTwo Georgia women, from the overhead suitcase surveillance video, appear to be caught discretely passing a USB flash drive to one another, in a vote counting area, while looking around to see if anybody else is watching. Note: Col. Waldron, in his testimony from the Arizona hearing (below), said a Dominion machine could be changed to flip votes from one candidate to another, delete votes, to unequally weight votes, using a simple thumb drive (or USB drive).

Please see the video here:

Fulton County Photo #2.jpg

Remember the black-cloth-draped table and the “suitcases” purportedly full of ballots that were pulled out from under the table in Georgia after most were asked to leave (caught on overhead surveillance video)?

Get this: Two of those same women in that overhead surveillance video, after all of the others were asked to leave, were reportedly caught in a cell phone video, by an observer on Election Day, engaged in more suspicious behavior. Please see the attached photos for a primer of what I am talking about. Also, refresh your memory of the hidden ballot, suit case surveillance video here:

Note: The woman in the overhead surveillance video with a larger, light colored Afro (for lack of a better term), and the one with the long blonde dreadlocks, are reportedly MOTHER-and-Daughter. And, the one with the blonde dreadlocks (the daughter) is reportedly the Supervisor for Voter Registration.


Truck Driver Photo.jpgSee: USPS Truck Driver Reveals Semi-Trailer Filled with up to 288,000 Completed Ballots, Suspiciously Transported from New York to Pennsylvania, Disappeared

A Stack of Counterfeit Ballots - Found by a 20 yr Veteran Poll Manager in Georgia

Susan Boyle Testimony - photo #1.jpgShe says the ballots were not folded, they were pristine (unlike a normal mail-in ballot) and the paper felt funny in her hand. Plus, they all looked the same, a copy of one ballot, she said.

Watch the riveting testimony of this experienced, 20 year, vote-counting veteran before a Georgia State Senate Committee here:
(It starts at the 1:20 mark.)

Maricopa County, Arizona - WITNESS: They thought they were done counting and then Truck Loads of ballots started coming in

She (the witness before the Arizona State Legislative Panel) said they came in 15 thousand, 60 thousand, 80-90 thousand at a time, from a third party company called "Runbeck." She shocked the panel of Arizona state Legislators, testifying Runbeck did high speed scanning, sorting, and copying of military ballots and other ballots, apparently completely outside the oversight and control of Arizona election officials.

See the video of the testimony here:

Here is a portion of her testimony:

Witness: “Those ballots were coming in from a high speed scanning company called “Runbeck.” Apparently you haven’t heard of Runbeck?

Chairman: “No, I’ve heard of Runbeck ma’am. But what I’m trying to figure out is, whether they printed them, and if they scanned them off site, to what purpose?


Witness: “All high speed scanning happens at Runbeck. So, those ballots go to Runbeck. As far as I know, there were NO Observers there.

Chairman: “With all due respect Mr. Cook, now we’ve opened up a whole new can of worms.”

Chairman: “Your observation is useful here. So what you’re telling me, I’m going to play this back to you a second. The scanning wasn’t actually done on site, in a Maricopa County structure. It was done someplace else.

Witness: “With very high speed scanners.”

Chairman: “Well, right now I don’t care what the speed is. I want to know, were they Dominion scanners?

Witness: “No, no. I don’t think it has anything to do with Dominion.”

Chairman: “ So, what I’m trying to understand, what was the purpose of scanning them in advance of being tabulated on the Dominion equipment?

Witness: “They were duplicate, duplications – the ballots that wouldn’t read through the tabulation machines. They were ballots that came in from military and overseas. BUT, there were more ballots than that. So, I don’t know where the rest of them were coming from.”

Who is Runbeck?

Runbeck describes itself as such: "WELCOME TO RUNBECK ELECTION SERVICES

"Since 1972, Runbeck Election Services has preserved the integrity of the American democratic process. We partner with cities, counties and states to provide a trusted election experience with ballot print and mail services, and equipment and software technology solutions that are accurate, transparent and efficient.

"Headquartered in Phoenix, AZ, Runbeck Election Services successfully innovates the process of producing elections for jurisdictions around the country. Founded in 1972 by Chuck Runbeck, we have grown from producing local counties’ elections. Today, our experience and expertise is trusted to deliver customized election solutions, reaching more than 70 million voters.


"Runbeck’s Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

Runbeck Election Services is leading the country in its environmental efforts as it relates to printing. Our commitment to improve the environment is shown in our business strategy, work with clients, governing of operational activities and support of employees. We understand the impact our operations have on the environment—paper and water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and waste generation—and are taking measurable action to reduce the impact. We put our words into action by constructing our new environmentally-friendly Home Office and Production Facility."

See the video of the testimony here:

Also See:

Col. Waldron - We Observed an Injection of Ballots & Data Reported in Three Digit Fractions

See the video here:

@ The Michigan Hearing December 2, 2020 (Continued)

Committee Chair: “Thank you.”

“Representative Riley.”

Rep. Riley: “Thank you. So, I’m just trying to figure out, would not a recount detect if you had a software manipulate the votes? Wouldn’t that be easily seen?

Col. Waldron: “So, what we observed, and your other witnesses tonight observed, is an injection of paper ballots. Whether those are accurate or not, you could recount the manual ballots, but unless you did a forensic audit of the ballot itself, you wouldn’t be able to tell if a ballot was fraudulent, or pre-printed. Um, we have technology to be able to do that. A gentleman that I am associated with in Texas, his name is Giovan Pulitzer, um, he invented the QR code and scanner and scanning capabilities. He owns a patent on all that. He’s devised a way to determine, um, fake ballots, or ballots that were pre-printed.

Rep. Riley: “Isn’t that another issue altogether? I’m just talking about

Col. Waldron: “This is a multifaceted issue, but yes, the forensics data, if you have access to the software code that was driving the algorithms in these machines. And, I say algorithm because the data, the raw feed of the data is reported in decimal places.” (WHAT?!)

Col. Waldron: “So, if you’re tabulating votes, you vote, my vote, Representative Johnson’s votes, well, that’s THREE VOTES. This data is reported in three digit fractions.

Col. Waldron: “So, how is that possible in an additive function? So, the software and the code is what we would need. Or, a forensics, a qualified forensics team of your choice would need to look at, to determine what algorithms were in the USB drives that drive the machines. And, the number pattern that we is that they would pick three to four precincts. They would run the algorithm X amount of time until they got close to the precinct threshold, so it wouldn’t kick off the over-vote situation. And then they would move it to another precinct.

Col. Waldron: “So, this is a complex issue with injection. In Pennsylvania, we heard a gentleman who again, signed an affidavit, he’s a truck driver, that he delivered a truckload of ballots, to a vacant lot in Pennsylvania, from New York. And, his assumption was, that ballots were just left there. There was no one there. No one there to sign his bill of lading, to get the bill of lading. So the hypothesis, the assumption is that that was used as a staging area for people to go pick up pre-printed ballots, to move into the system. Um, for example, we saw in some of the late absentee numbers in Michigan.”

See the video here:

Worth a Second Look: Watch a Woman Demonstrate How a Dominion Vote-Counting Machine’s Adjudication Feature Can Be Used to Manipulate a Completely Blank Ballot, and Cast it For Whoever She Wants

Reportedly, there were 106,000 ballots adjudicated in Fulton County, Georgia; 80,000 in Gwinnett, and 28,000 in Maricopa County, Arizona.

See the video here:

Early Voters in Arizona were told to use an Ink Pen to Vote, Election Day Voters told to Use a Sharpie.

Col. Waldron testified in Arizona that in Maricopa County, they instructed all people casting mail-in ballots, and people voting early, to fill out their ballots using an ink pen.

However, on Election Day, when most Trump supporters voted, they were told to fill out their ballots using a Sharpie, which bled thru, causing a majority of those ballots to be flagged for “adjudication.” Witnesses testified that poll workers were continuously pushing a GREEN BUTTON on the machines when their ballots were inserted (on Election Day), which forces the machines to accept the ballots filled out using a Sharpie, but then flags them for “adjudication” where they can be manipulated later.

Forensic Analysis of Ink and Paper Can Detect Counterfeit ballots

In regard to detection of pre-printed ballots injected into the system, Col. Waldron testified in Arizona that forensic analysis of the ink and paper can detect counterfeit ballots.

Witness Reports: Dominion Employees were on Site and in Control of Vote-Count Reports

In Maricopa County Arizona, two witnesses testified that Dominion employees were on site, and they had final control over vote tabulation and reporting. And, one witness said he observed and conversed with a Dominion employee who was making personal backup hard drives of ballots for unknown purposes.

President Trump Has Lunch with TEN Pennsylvania Legislators at the White House to Discuss the Election

See the video here:

December 25, 2020 – Video: “As the clock winds down for election integrity, President Trump invites key allies from Pennsylvania to talk about this issue.

Reporter: “On a brisk Washington Day, just 48 hours before Christmas, ten Pennsylvania state legislators had lunch with President Trump at the White House, before he departed for Mar-a-Lago. Their visit was about the election, and what can be done between now and January 6th.

See the video here:

See also: Gen. Tom McInerney Hammers The Deep State Voter Fraud Operation – He introduces Hammer & Scorecard. “They” knew about Vote Flipping Software BEFORE the Election:

Listen to Sidney Powell’s interview with Mark Steyn on the Rush Limbaugh Show:

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