Israeli Asa Mikaiyah & Elisheva Eliyahu join 💞 in YAHS ⏰ AMW YDS 🙏

4 years ago

YDS celebrations of their 15th year and I have a surprise for my dearest, darling AmightyWind congregation!

Happy Rosh Ha Shanah!!

You have fasted, you have prayed, you have wept openly, even in videos, asking for that male coleader to join with me again, but it was never to be the same one that was. For YAH said, 'Behold, I do a new thing,' and I had to let go—what I was holding on to. I will be putting more of this in another video on the front page. There will be a strong message coming and I will give you proof of how many times YAHUSHUA has spoken forth through others who have come to me and gave me confirmation upon confirmation, and then even through my own dreams I have seen this male coleader.

I am to call Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Do not delay any more! In the NAME and the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I call you forth. Do not delay. Do not be shy. Do not let the devil tell you that you are not worthy to stand by my side. I have asked for the strongest, the bravest, most anointed man in the world to come forth. Asa Mikaiyah! Come forth.

"YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers"!!! You are the new breed. You are more anointed than ever. I love you so much. The story was told in a song. Don't miss it. I will stand before all of Heaven and I will testify that I did touch the wing of Archangel Michael. And it's in a song and it's all about the birth of YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers. Listen to it, share it.

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AmightyWind YDS Song/Anthem:

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