Half a Trillion Microscopic Machines vs. A Cave Painting

4 years ago

A Secular TEDx Video clip https://rumble.com/vc8a2f-half-a-trillion-microscopic-machines-vs.-a-cave-painting.html
......In the video clip, the secular scientist discusses Protein molecular machines. He gives just three protein machine examples, and a video demonstration how each machine works. Along with the unbelievable microscopic size of these machines, and the “10s of thousands to 100s of thousands of different types of machines” in our bodies, the video discusses “scaling” up the “technology” found in living cells, so we can use them today. He exclaims, the tip of your finger has more microscopic machines than the ½ trillion machines in the world today. He talks about learning to understand the “principles” of how these machines, and the technology works. Why, because of the awesome, design, and efficiency of these machines rival any technology we have today, and they can teach us how to design better modern machines. Example: the flagellar motor in the film, can spin upwards of 100,000 rpm, and change direction in ¼ of a turn.
...... Yet, when modern evolutionary man looks at this complexity, and unfathomable, intricate design, he can say—no big deal. A mindless, unguided, undirected process put all that together—and in only 10 to the 18 seconds. On the other hand, he looks at a simple cave painting, and exclaims, man (a brain, an intelligence) was here. BUT the microscopic world of vast information, and intricate molecular machines and structures—indicates only “apparent design.” Evolution’s God of a Mindless process, lacks the intelligence to paint a rudimentary picture that even a 5 year old could match, but it can design microscopic systems—we can only envy today, and hope to one day “scale-up” in the future. So, no matter how exquisitely designed life is, the ridiculous idea of a mindless process holds a blinder over the eyes, and the evolutionary man HOPES, believes, AND PRAYS to his mindless God—please show us how you did ALL THAT through a Mindless Process.
......Darwin said: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find no such case.” Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species
...... Now, Charlie Darwin, was blind to what was in the cell. He could not see molecules like Messenger RNA, and how they are built in the cell, but we can. And the Manufacture—and use of the RNA molecule—is dependent on so many systems—and at least two Micro Machines (the RNA Polymerase, and protein building factories called Ribosomes). The RNA Polymerase, is an enzyme—or molecular machine—which manufactures the Messenger RNA Molecule, from information in the DNA molecule. Then, by the help of Protein Factories called Ribosomes, the “message” in the Messenger RNA is physically translated into Amino Acids, to build long chain proteins. All these systems (and the information in the DNA molecule) are interdependent on each other—and wishing it be different—is a waste of mind, life, and intellectual energy to deny it.
......Here is life, at the smallest scales, and it demonstrates:
“a complex [system] exists, which cannot possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, [so] my theory [has] absolutely [broken] down.” Charles Darwin Origin of the species.

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