Enough Rope December 26, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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Enough Rope December 26, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Here is a list that everyone needs to study and keep for reference---- a list of the major banking families (except one that is notably and perhaps pointedly absent) and the banks that they to a greater or lesser extent, control:
Bauer-Rothschild Barclays
Brown- Harriman NatWest (RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland)
Rothschild and Lord Citigroup (London domiciled)
Warburg SBC Warburg Bank of Hamburg (includes Warburg Bank of Amsterdam)
Lazard Brothers Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel (Paris)
Israel Moses Seif Unicredit (Banks of Italy)
Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs ([London domiciled])
Lehman Brothers Lehman Bros ([London domiciled])
Kuhn Loeb Kuhn Loeb Bank ([London domiciled])
Bundy BNP Paribas
Bilderberg (Bilderberger) Credit Suisse (Switzerland) controls
US Presidency since LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson)
Rockefeller HSBC (London domiciled)
If we are to be truthful, "Rockefeller" would also include "IMF" as well as HSBC, and instead of just "Bundy" being associated with BNP Paribas, you would see the far more familiar name "Bush".
The Federal Reserve Bank would be shown as a consortium put together by various families and banks shown on this list, for the issuance of military script used to buy the services of the Americans as Mercenaries defending these banks almost for free. Quite a sweet deal --- for them.
The missing family is "Li" and the familiar banks associated with them are Plum Blossom (arguably the oldest bank on Earth), World Bank, Bank of China, and Bank of England. You can also include IBRD and the various "specialty banks" that spin off from the World Bank.
Brown-Harriman as in Lord Malloch-Brown, and as in Thomas Harriman, the American Railroad Baron.
Lehman Brothers has been so profligate and dishonest and cut so many corners that they've lost most of their stock and trade, though they have fought their way to a reprieve.
It is self-evident why the Eastern Hemisphere's most famous and indeed, infamous, banking family, the Li Family, has not appeared on the original list above; and, it's also obvious why they need to be included, if only because they are causing much of the current worldwide problem and because they are trying to keep their part in the melee quiet.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/12/enough-rope.html

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