Harvest Haven Pastured Chicken

4 years ago

We raise the chicks in the barn for about 3 weeks until they’ve grown enough feathers to survive cooler nights. At this point they’re ready for pasture. The birds are split up into 10-foot by 10-foot cages starting at one end of a pasture that’s been recently grazed by sheep. The shorter, trampled grass provides more suitable bedding and renders the bugs easier to catch. And the tender pasture regrowth is much easier for the birds to digest than mature grasses.

Every morning when the dew comes off, we move each cage ahead by a full ten feet, providing the birds with a fresh salad and a side of bugs, which they take full advantage of before resorting to their grain feeders. It should go without saying that we provide exclusively organic grain and clean Grander Living Water.

This system also moves the birds away from their manure which means they are never exposed to any pathogen load. It keeps everything and everybody healthy and clean. Our birds have full access to sunshine and fresh pasture breezes that are 100% free of ammonia. Our healthy pasture grasses make immediate use of the nitrogen in the manure to prevent any odors or runoff. The whole system is beautiful and clean, naturally providing meat that is clean and nutritious.

Learn more about Grander: https://www.harvesthaven.com/pages/grander-water-revitalization

Learn more about our meats: https://www.harvesthaven.com/collections/our-meat

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