The Processes December 26, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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The Processes December 26, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

We are living beings. We grow by organic processes--- intricate networks of physical and chemical processes that lead us through our life cycles with grace and precision. We start with a single spark of creation and each one of us then "becomes" who we are and will be, bit by bit, and day by day.

It's the same organic process when it comes to our emotional world, too. Even things that appear to happen suddenly, like love at first sight, have actually been prepared for, for years. We love what we love and who we love, because of who we are and where we are in the process of our own becoming.

It was my lot to become acquainted with grief at an early age, and to observe myself moving slowly through that process, too, marking the stages of the wound-healing with each milestone.

There's always the confusion, the denial, the this-can't-be-happening response.
Then the anger. Then the bargaining and wheedling with fate. Then the depression, and, finally, the acceptance.

It takes me anywhere between a year and eighteen months to overcome a major loss. I know that. I have had losses aplenty in my life to practice on. Each new one is unique, of course, but the process remains steady and inexorable as the seasons.

And each time I lose someone or something I care about deeply, the more I reflect on the fact that we are all part of something mysterious and so much greater, a Unity that belies all concepts of separation, differences, and time.

There was someone missing from our fireside this Christmas, a four-footed someone, a certain old yellow dog who wasn't at my heels or watching me every moment as I prepared Christmas dinner, a certain velvet-eared and velvet-eyed dog with his tail thumping happily in response to every voice and offer of pets.

I suppose the worst moment was after dinner, when our single remaining dog was waiting for his dinner, and he looked around over his shoulder rather confused to be the Only Dog after a lifetime of being with pack mates, clearly wondering where all the others were?

Gone to other firesides and great forests and bubbling streams we can only imagine for them, vanished into the world of pure energy.

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