Harvest Haven Strawberries – Sweet and Flavorful

4 years ago

The strawberry crop is looking great – lots of flowers on the plants means lots of sweet, juicy berries getting ripe for the picking.

Notice the straw in the field. It has two purposes: 1. There’s a symbiotic relationship between the straw and the berries, which makes for sweeter fruit. 2. The straw keeps the strawberries AND the pickers clean, especially when the field is wet.

Enjoy Harvest Haven strawberries fresh now and frozen later.


"Harvest Haven organic strawberries are back!!! These mouth-watering berries are out of this world, so don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy the best!

Harvest Haven berries get two thumbs up. Declared by our customers to be the sweetest and most flavorful strawberries they’ve ever eaten!

Coming soon to the Farmers’ Market and Harvest Haven store."

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