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......In Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity, one of the concepts that Einstein elucidated in a thought experiment, is the concept of Time Dilation. I will explain the concept in some detail in a moment, and to make the concept easier to understand, I will use three short video clips from Carl Sagan; first up: In this video, Carl Sagan creates his own thought experiment, with two adolescent brothers and a moto scooter. The observer of the video, watches as the older brother takes off on his motor scooter—and we are left to imagine, that the older brother is riding a scooter that can approach the speed of light. The older brother, rides around the country side for just a few minutes at this speed, but when he returns to the place where he left his younger brother, the younger brother is now in his eighties. So time, has passed differently for each brother, and for the older brother who went on the speed of light trip, he was propelled into the future in only a few minutes.
...... Another example comes from the movie “contact,” a book that Carl Sagan wrote, and his wife produced into a movie: In the movie the actress played by Jody Foster, has been selected to “travel to Vega” at the speed of light, and if she does this—according to Einstein’s Theory—her trip should take her 4 years, but when she returns to earth, over 50 years could pass on Earth. In the movie, what actually happens is the opposite. The character played by Jodie Foster, goes on the trip, but she is gone only an imperceptible microsecond from the perspective of Earth; however, from her time perspective, she has been gone 18 hours. Consequently, the character in the movie, has a great deal of difficulty convincing a skeptical world, she even left; let alone, believing she had an experience communicating with a being, disguised as her deceased father. I call this the “technology induced vision” that all prophets of God must have had—since all materialists know that “visions” don’t occur—but I digress.
...... Last, but the most important video, is from Carl Sagan’s show the cosmos: In this video, Carl Sagan talks about two different types of time. Ship Time at the speed of light, and Earth time. The most important comparison in the video, is when Carl Sagan talks about the Ship Time to circumnavigate the entire Known universe (56 years for the Space Ship Traveler) and the amount of “Earth time” that would have passed for those left behind (Carl Sagan says, “they would [BE] 10s of Billions of Years in the Far Far Future” Earth Time). In fact, Earth would have been destroyed by our sun going Super Nova before we return, BUT for the sake of argument, we imagine again, that the Earth is still here.
...... Now what is the conversation we would have, with those people on the Earth? We would exclaim—it is I, the space traveler, one of your ancestors, and only 56 years have passed since I left Earth. Of course, the people on the Earth would claim I was insane. According to our history, that space flight took place Billions and Billions of years ago, and there is no way you are the astronaut that left Earth so long ago.
Question: Which group is telling the truth about the passage of time?
Answer—Both of them
...... Now—is it possible, scientifically, for two conscious beings to experience time, but at different rates? The answer is of course yes, and our modern GPS system is an example. Briefly, if the GPS satellite system clocks were not adjusted a few milliseconds each day, the system would be off by about 6 miles, each day. Why, the satellites are 12,000 miles up, and traveling about 17,000 miles an hour around our Earth. Time slows down for them by a few milliseconds a day compared to Earth Bound clocks, thus the need for adjustment.
......Now the best part, what in the world does this have to do with the Bible, time dilation, and sheep herders in the Land of Israel 2400 years ago during the time of King David, and 2000 years ago with the Apostle Peter? Lets start with:
2 Peter 3:8 8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
...... It is very important to find out what Peter means by this statement, but first I want to concentrate on how Peter could possibly have come up with this statement. As Christians, we of course believe in divine revelation though the holy spirit is one possible way—but my Atheist friends are already groaning. The other possible way, is the Old Testament. In fact, Psalm 90:4 adds a critical component to what Peter wrote. Here is the verse:
A thousand years in your sight
are like a day that has just gone by,
or like a watch in the night.
...... So the first part of the Psalm, basically mirrors what Peter wrote, but the last part of the verse is key: “or like a watch in the night.” So what is a watch in the night—3 hours of time. There were 4 watches each night, for a total of 12 hours.
...... The real question is then, are these two verses teaching a dogmatic rule, or are they teaching a concept? In other words, I have heard the 2 Peter 3:8 verse used over and over again in a sermon, and the Day to thousand year ratio was maintained like a dogmatic Law of some sort. However, when taught in light of Psalm 90:4, the verse is teaching a concept, a principle, that applies to God—in this universe. And what concept might that be?—Time Dilation of course. For God, time is relative. If God chooses—he can spend 1000 of his years, in a space of only 3 hours of Earth Time. Or, if God chooses—he can spend a 1000 of his years in one day of Earth Time. Or (since this is a principle and not a dogmatic rule) if God chooses—he can spend a 1000 of his years in only 3 seconds of Earth time.
...... Conversely, two thousand years can pass here on Earth, but for God, only 48 hours could have past, or 6 hours, or 6 seconds. The truly amazing thing is, until Albert Einstein elucidated his Theory of Special Relativity, ideas like these were relegated to science fiction. Today, this is scientifically possible in this universe.
...... Now, think about the 6 days of creation, spoken about in the Book of Genesis. From who’s perspective, are these days given? Since man is not created until the 6th day—and the Bible says we are still in the 7th day, they must be from God’s perspective. Therefore, if time is relative for God, he can “live” 1,000, or 10,000 or 100,000 or 1 Billion years in one 24 hour Earth day. And, again, conversely, a 24 hour period of time could pass for God, yet a billion years could pass on Earth. Since this IS A SCIENTIFIC possibility, and not simply speculation, this can go a long way to reconcile the young Earth, old Earth debate.
...... Furthermore, think of the Carl Sagan video of Ship Time vs Earth time, and ask yourself, can both time frames be TRUE AT THE SAME TIME—and the answer is an unequivocal YES. Scientifically, all of what I have written is possible, and instead of getting bogged down, on which side is “right,” it is enough to know that scientifically, BOTH can be right at the same time literally. Furthermore, and even more important than all the concepts learned, is the fact—and let me stress fact—both in the Old Testament of the Bible, the New Testament of the Bible, separated by several hundred years, and different authors—a scientific principle (“discovered” by Albert Einstein) was written in the Scriptures. Given the time period these concepts were first written down, it is impossible for these individuals to have learned this information, using “scientific principles and methods.” Instead, this information must have been given to each author—by revelation from a source outside themselves.
...... And now you actually have evidence from the Bible, that God exists, has undoubtedly communicated with his creation, and given its scientifically illiterate authors, information they were incapable of learning in their respective time periods. CLUE: Maybe it has become clear by now, why God wrote the scriptures when He did, and by whom He chose. If God had waited until today, to reveal this Time Dilation idea, man could say HO HUM, TOO LATE. But, give the ideas to a group of men, unable to learn it any other way then revelation, and Gods Word is believable.
...... Did God create the heavens and the Earth in 6 literal Earth days, it’s possible, especially if God crammed a few billion of HIS years into each 24 hour period. In fact, what would that look like if you could observe something like this happening on the Earth? Here is a small video clip of what it may have been like:
...... Or, God could have created the heavens and the earth, in the space of 13.6 billion years Earth Time, yet for God only the equivalent of 6, 24 hour days passed. Both ARE scientifically possible, and at this juncture—I am not trying to take a side. What is of more importance to me, is the fact that, scientifically, both time perspectives, can be correct at the same time.
Now, there is just one other Biblical aspect, I want to bring into this discussion. Eternity. Romans 8:19-22 19 For [even the whole] creation [all nature] waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration and futility, not willingly [because of some intentional fault on its part], but by the will of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will also be freed from its bondage to decay [and gain entrance] into the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been moaning together as in the pains of childbirth until now.
...... The fall of Adam and Eve, affected all “even the whole creation all nature.” Before the fall, God looked on his entire creation and said in Genesis 1:31 “31 God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good and He validated it completely. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.” And Romans 5:12 12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, so death spread to all people [no one being able to stop it or escape its power], because they all sinned.
...... So from these two passages, we see a change in the creation—the entire creation is affected—after Adam and Eve sin. Death, comes into the world at the fall, after God had said “it was very good.” The point I am trying to get to is, Eternity. In other words, before the fall, Adam and Eve were living in Eternity, not in “Time” as we know it today. So, when “God said let there be light” and the Universe was brought into being—the Universe we know today, appeared, with fully formed galaxies. Why fully formed—because there was NO TIME needed for them to form. There was NO TIME needed for the light from the distant stars to travel to the Earth.
...... Since there is NO TIME, before the fall, whatever God creates—takes NO TIME to form period. Each created biological entity appears fully formed without the passage of the “time” we are used to. Our TIME, as we know it, does not exist in Heaven or on the Earth, during the creation. I can’t tell you how many testimonies, I have heard from people who claim to have gone either to Heaven, or Hell, and they say it seemed like I was their an eternity—since there is no time in Heaven or Hell. Eternity, was in operation, but after the fall, Time began, and the whole creation was subject to “decay.” Subject to decay—the second law of thermodynamics is born. And today, the entire universe is accelerating towards its own “heat death.” BUT PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS, WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR IF WE KNOW HIM.
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