Elderly Woman Euthanized to Avoid Dying from COVID-19 (and other news items)

4 years ago

Clinton and Nathan discuss some news items from the past couple of weeks. Topics for discussion:

-- Famous pro-choice philosopher, Judith Jarvis Thomson, has passed away
-- Human meat being grown for human consumption
-- An elderly woman in Canada was euthanized to avoid the trauma of isolation by being locked away inside her room for two weeks due to coronavirus

Makers of grow-your-own human steaks say meal kit is not 'technically' cannibalism by James Leggate, New York Post


Elderly Woman Euthanized to Avoid Anguish of Lockdown Loneliness by Wesley J. Smith, National Review


'He Just Gave Up' - School shutdown drives Baltimore County teen to depression, suicide by Chris Papst, Fox 5 News


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