say a little prayer for those that scoff at us religious nutjobs

3 years ago

we missed church so this is what we're doing
that's technically a light display
u-turns, living dangerously
that snowman's depressed
no lights, just trinkets
i'm the one that freaks out all the church people
add in light action
Jesus resembled the poor and afflicted that He was here to help
white lights vs vegas
giant blow up reindeer
nice fambly time that i repeatedly shat on
obvious over-commercialization of xmas
vortex is well aware of shitty-ass camera work
welcome to church
i freak out the sheep everywhere we go
no, i'm not wearing my seatbelt
mental illness has been stigmatized by church people
nice little man-made lake
OOOOOOH!!!!!!!!! x3
this is way better than communion yawl
the vortex lost count of how many X we have gotten lost
the psychologically challenged have a greater capacity for understanding and receiving God
talking about both of my selves here
liking the coloured lights probably makes me racist
the lazy people lights ($50 machine)
very easy to get lost in a subdivision
weather machine can't control snow
yes i am crying cos it is snowing in tn
how quickly my mood changes
i don't feel like going into the religion that is known for beheadings
byedon, that wasn't me this time
hi snoopy
that sign could mean one of two things
the military light needs to be rainbow
freight train of sexual deviance might want the whole alphabet
that was an awesome mini-burp
i dunno if i've been over there or not, they all look the same now
remember the iconic trinket display in the front yard
merry xmas, say it while you can
celebrate all day, every day that you can have eternal life
don't even have my license
who knows, they gotta meet that quota
die-hard fan of snow, grew up in the north
not gonna waste the blinkey juice if i don't have to
nice to spend x-mas with the vortex
thank you Lord for the snow!!!
yawl saw that xmas wreath
you see my large stack of boxes (welcome to hoarding)
i always do the opposite of what authority figures tell me
trying to honour my mother and father
before they are gone

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