"You Can't Tear Down The Gates of Heaven!" Thus Saith YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH

4 years ago

This is Prophecy 122, entitled “You Can’t Tear Down the Gates of Heaven!” Thus Saith, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! This is both a word of rebuke and warning to the enemies of Amightywind Ministry, occultists masquerading as Christians and lukewarm Christians. And one of the worst enemies of this Ministry, Sherry Shriner is dead and in hell!

But Prophecy 122 is also a word of encouragement to those who do their best to live Holy and be pleasing to YAHUSHUA, those who are HIS Bride across the world.

Prophecy excerpts: [Elisheva], why are you so amazed? You have had the attention of him [the anti-messiah] for a long time. Who do you think is behind the attacks? This is MY battle! I use AmightyWind! I use MY special Warriors, MY special Bride —but all of you have a protection: all of you wear MY Armor— for I’m right there, by your side.

YouTube has been as if it’s a fiery furnace, has it not? How many times you said, “Oh no, I don’t know how I will survive”—as the words of hate threaten to consume you. But each time I’ve given you what it takes to overcome! Each time I raise you back up again! And I speak to all those who have been attacked. Where you were weak, I make you stronger!

Where you were in fear, I make you bolder! Oh MY little ones! Do not underestimate the POWER that has been given you to fight against the enemies of your very soul! MY enemies—are your enemies! Your enemies—are MY enemies! So fear not! The war that has been waged against you —although it appears to be coming by human hands— is more than just mere mortal man.

As long as you do what I tell you to do, As long as you obey ME, I will keep you safe. Don’t underestimate the power of the enemy. But don’t underestimate MY POWER! For I shall destroy these enemies! (…)

Oh, MY darling ones! You do not even begin to comprehend nor can you understand the MAGNITUDE of the souls you’re reaching—the conviction that comes upon them as, with tear stained faces, they surrender their will and their life to ME.

Why do you think you have the anti-messiah’s attention? For you don’t just do it in one language! One language is hard enough for the enemy to bear, but knowing they cannot muzzle you and silence you—and to know, your desire is to reach this world in all the languages! This is why I’ve put you here. And I use the enemy’s own machine to do it. Oh great, great, great, great, great are your blessings!

Just continue to stand. Never let the enemies see you fall in defeat. Just take MY Hand—for MY Strength cannot even begin to be compared to any woman or man. I, YAHUSHUA, raise you up. I, YAHUSHUA, wrap MY Arms of Love around you. I, YAHUSHUA, wipe the tears from your eyes.

And I, YAHUSHUA, will kill those that I despise! MY Word does not lie! What the FATHER hates, I hate! (…)

Keep drawing near ME. Ask ME to speak to you in the still of the night. Just keep drawing near ME. For NO weapon that has been formed against you is greater than I AM (Is 54:17). There is NOTHING that I cannot destroy. There’s NO eyes I cannot blind. There’s NO machine that I cannot destroy.

Have faith in ME. Have faith in the legions of Holy Angels that I have posted all around. —MY Precious Bride— Have faith in ME. Do not doubt. Do not doubt MY Love for you. Deafen your ears to those who shout, and say that you do not belong to ME. (…)

Oh, you enemies of AmightyWind Ministry—so many of you—I shake MY Head in disgust for you shall be there—when you cry out and you want an avalanche of rocks to hide you from the Wrath of HE WHO SITS ON THE THRONE and the LAMB OF YAH (Rv 6:16). You only think you know what suffering is. You do not even begin to comprehend. If you are an enemy of this Ministry—that only preaches MY Word and Holiness, that has a Message of John the Baptist, and Elijah [Eliyahu] of Old—you are an enemy of YAHUVEH, of I, YAHUSHUA & MY RUACH HA KODESH!

You who say, “I will destroy this ministry”—no, it is I that shall destroy you. Just as I cursed that fig tree, so too I curse the enemies of AmightyWind Ministry! For this Ministry is not of a man or a woman! This Ministry is made by MY Own Hands. It is only the ANOINTING OF THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH that draws men and women to ME so their souls can be saved, but I use this Ministry also in a way to destroy the reprobate.

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