Nashville Explosion other b/w view

4 years ago

This is a loop from the other location.
I did this loop because some people affirm this was done by a missile.

Nope. What do we see:
first the backscatter light dome appears.
then a streak appears right behind the light pole, going up
more to the bottom right of this streak other smaller streaks go up.

What I see:

the explosion occurs: no streak or incoming exhaust which should be there before the explosion starts and then temporarily effaced by a shockwave and reappear.

This does not happen.

The light appears first.
Then the streak appears with subsonic speed so it is not temporarily disappearing due to the shock wave.
Then slower debris pieces with smoke trails appear.

It takes a while until the smoke cloud appears: it has to rise between the buildings, this is narrow and slows the propagation of the smoke cloud.

So no: no missile.

Fast flying debris, probably from the roof of the RV,
then slower flying pieces, still with smoke trails.

Then the light scatter dome disappears and it takes a while for the smoke to rise.

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