Atheist Faith Statements--Proven wrong by Albert Einstein

4 years ago

That is where YOUR FAITH COMES IN, as an Atheist. Today in 2020, the overwhelming scientific evidence we have is that the Universe Began 13.6 Billion years ago, in the Big Bang. Sure we do not know what came before 10 to the minus 37 seconds after the Big Bang WHEN THE UNIVERSE WAS SMALLER THAN A PROTON--but that does not negate the fact that the evidence shows it began. In fact, before the Big Bang theory, the accepted cosmological model of our universe was the "Steady State Theory." The Universe is eternal. Fact is, the scientific community would boast, “you Christians say God is eternal, well we say the Universe and Matter are eternal, and the Bible is wrong from the first sentence. But starting in:
1) 1905 with Einstein's Equations of Relativity and their implication that the universe is expanding.
2) 1919 astronomer Arthur Eddington, observationally confirmed the Theory of Relativity in 1919
3) 1924, Russian mathematician and physicist Alexander Friedmann, realized that the universe, according to the Theory of Relativity, could be in expansion, contraction or oscillating between both.
4) 1929 Edwin Hubble--noticed the red shift of galaxies through his telescope--which again suggested an expanding universe.
5) 1927 and 1931 Georges Lemaître--a Belgium Priest physicist and cosmologist combined the two and suggested a beginning to the universe. Lemaitre, made his prediction in 1927, but was ignored until 1931 when his paper was published in English. (Now take three guesses why a Catholic Scientist was ignored, and the first two don’t count). He is now considered the Father of the Big Bang theory.
6) 1948 Ralph A. Alpher, and George Antonovich Gamow—postulated that if there was a big bang, there would be an "after glow" called the Microwave Background Radiation
7) 1948 Sir Fred Hoyle an English Astronomer, along with Thomas gold, and Hermann Bondi began to argue for the universe as being in a "steady state" and formulated their Steady State Theory
8) 1949 Sir Fred Hoyle, coined the term "Big Bang" on BBC radio's Third Programme broadcast on 28 March 1949, as a term of derision.
9) 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson accidentally found the Microwave Background Radiation.
10) 1978 Robert Jastrow (an agnostic) astronomer wrote the book called God and the astronomers, explaining the science, and his colleagues all around disgust at the Big Bang Theory. According to their apparent bias, they were rooting for certain science outcomes, not following it.
11) 1993 The Steady State Theory hung in there still, until 1993 with the COBE satellite findings, and actually mapping the Microwave Background Radiation. I was a young man at the time, and watched as TED COPPEL (a secular news person) on a program called Niteline, put GENESIS 1:1 on the TV at the announcement. In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. Turns out the Bible was right from the first sentence.
12) 2003 The WMAP satellite confirmed it again to a greater degree
13) 2003 The Borde–Guth–Vilenkin theorem, or the BGV theorem, is a theorem in physical cosmology which deduces that any universe that has, on average, been expanding throughout its history cannot be infinite in the past but must have a past spacetime boundary. EVEN A MULTIVERSE REQUIRES AN ABSOLUTE BEGINNING BUT THE MULTIVERSE IS NOT SCIENCE
14) 2018 the PLANK CMB probe confirmed it again to a greater degree.
....... This is all science (not an argument from ignorance) and even from the beginning of this journey, Albert Einstein fudged his equations and gave them a cosmological constant that would allow for a Static Universe--WHY because an expanding universe implies a beginning--and it sounds to much like Bible. At each step of the way the Scientific establishment has been kicking and screaming into the Big Bang Theory. Dr. Fred Hoyle, the champion of the Steady State Theory, is the one who coined the phrase Big Bang in 1949, as a term of derision. And technically it took form 1905 to 1993 for the Big Bang Theory to be considered settled science, and it was, again reconfirmed in 2018 to a greater degree. Now, This is the evidence we have, yet even you do NOT want to entertain the thought that the Universe had a beginning.
....... In fact, you insist we do not know. At this point, it takes more FAITH ON YOUR PART TO BELIEVE THAT. The entire weight of evidence is that at a point in the past 13.6 Billion years ago, all space, time, and matter came into being. Now the laws of logic dictate, that if we have a beginning, we must have a beginner. Otherwise you are left with the unscientific belief that NOTHING PRODUCED EVERYTHING. Based on the physics we know, this is impossible. This is the science we have, and it is on my side. THANK GOD.

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