EGO Snow Blower round 2

4 years ago

After getting feedback on my last video. I decided to make another as some of the questions raised I had myself. This video has also been minimally edited or sped up so you can see in Realtime how the Ego functions. This was a light fluffy snow. About 7 inches and then at the end of the driveway it was around 11-12 inches. More so towards my mailbox.

I have to say being a Honda owner for many years now as well as having a now blower over 25 years old. I still love Honda. They just work! You can’t kill the motors in them. However after 25 years the maintenance on it became extensive. Every year we were spending 5-800 dollars on replacing something. This year the Auger went and it was 1200 just for parts. I do plan on keeping and fixing it.

But the fact an electric can hold up to its performance. The EGO SNT 2400 ran way better than expected. While a battery overheat was disappointing at first. The fact someone was able to advise me that there was a better way to run the machine. Only to find that not only were they right. But I was able to do an 8 car driveway on one charge and then some.

EGO has been a batch of products that I now hope to make part of a regular line up. The fact that I have a Tesla battery back up to power them. In a storm I won’t have to weight whether I will use the gas I have to clear the snow in case of emergency or run a generator. Which I barely even need now.

It looks like the future is electric and I no longer think that’s a bad thing. I hope the electric battery’s as well as electronic components hold up to the test of time.

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