A Christmas Message from Anna Von Reitz December 24, 2020

3 years ago

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A Christmas Message from Anna Von Reitz December 24, 2020

Holiday Greetings!

Here is a special Christmas message from Anna Von Reitz as well as her homage poem. We wish you a loving, joyful, peaceful, bountiful and abundant Holiday.

The Divine Gift
Several people have asked, why am I suddenly so silent?
I figure I've said all that can be said about the virus and the election, both of which are mental and verbal battles rather than viable realities.

Still, this sort of thing is what we should expect in a "war" taking place in the Jurisdiction of the Air, the realm of beliefs and ideas.

And we should, reasonably, react to these continuing assaults on logic by examining our own thoughts and our own thought processes.

We've talked before about the fact that right actions can only result from right feeling and right feeling can only result from right thinking and right thinking can only result from correct and true knowledge --- and there is always a dearth of that, so, here we are again, faced with the "human condition".

So long as some people are content to let authorities do their thinking for them, there will never be any competent and valid consensus about the truth. In this realm like all others, one has to pick up their cross and follow on.
To me, the entire panoply of fraud is the self-evident pushing and pulling of opposing commercial interests, trying to gain control by fraud or any other means possible, of us and our pocket books.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/12/a-christmas-message-from-anna-von-reitz.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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