Not to Creep You Out December 22, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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Not to Creep You Out December 22, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

This will creep you out, but that's not why we are sharing it.

This shows you the mindset of the people running the Vatican --- the "secular property management side" of the Roman Catholic Church. As you will rapidly appreciate, their giddy-up isn't about peace, joy, or anything but a very material and ugly view of life, salted down with a --- considering the circumstances---- pathetic public statement against capital punishment.

Go here to see the ugliest, most death-centered, most anti-nativity creche ever:

The angel Gabriel is always the Announcer, and he stands in the guise of an ancient computer (looks like the rib cage of an animal to most people, but not to those of us who saw the original "stacked deck" IBM computers) complete with control panels built into the pillars of Joachim and Boaz. The feline cat-face of the Pashat Warriors sits atop the ascending pyramid, while the downward stairway to Earth points to a red-wrapped bundle of something-or-other, most likely the symbolic embodiment of a Communist New World Order ready to hatch.

An Astronaut symbolizing the weaponization of space and the "new" no longer secret Space Force, is paired with a Babylonian-style executioner, while a fat yellow-haired toddler, presumably Donald Trump, looks on.

This isn't about the birth of a baby in Bethlehem thousands of years ago.

This is a political statement in the vein of the radical priests of the 1960's.

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