Jesus Christ is Yahweh [YHWH]

4 years ago

THE Lord in Both The Old and New Testaments refers to Yahweh - YHWH/YHVH - the GOD Who Created the World. In Genesis we read The LORD God - YHWH Elohim. Jesus is identified as YHWH by the Angels when they appeared to the Shepherds proclaiming the birth of Christ The LORD in Bethlehem. Jesus was no simple man but God Himself taking Human Flesh.

" And no man hath ASCENDED INTO Heaven, but he that DESCENDED FROM Heaven, the Son of Man WHO IS IN Heaven." [John 3:13] We see that "The Son of Man" - which is a DIVINE Title - even though He DESCENDED from Heaven and was speaking with Nicodemus CONTINUED to BE in Heaven at the same time!

The OLDEST Greek Translation of the Old Testament (The Septuagint) - from the first century BC: translate YHWH to the Greek transcription of the name, ΙΑΩ - (I)OTA (A)LPHA (O)Mega! JESUS Himself says that HE IS The ALPHA and OMEGA and the First Greek Letter in Jesus' name is the IOTA! So Jesus (and St. John) explicitly declare that Jesus is YHWH!

"I AM ALPHA and OMEGA, The Beginning and The End, saith THE LORD (YHWH) GOD (Elohim), Who Is, and Who Was, and Who Is TO COME, The ALMIGHTY." Rev. 1:8

"And He said to me: IT IS DONE [cf. John 19:28-30]. I AM ALPHA and OMEGA; The Beginning and The End. To him that thirsteth, I will give of the fountain of The Water of Life, freely. [See John 4:14 JESUS Gives the Water of Life]" Rev. 21:6

"Behold, I [JESUS] come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to his works. I AM ALPHA and OMEGA, The First and The Last, The Beginning and the End." Rev. 22:12-13

#Christmas #Nativity #VirginMary

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