Picture shelf how to video.

4 years ago

Here is a how to video on the ledge shelf /picture shelf.

My wife found these online and wanted to get a couple. Looking at the price and what was actually involved to build them. I was able to build these at a fraction of the cost. Granted I have all the tools and stains available so I am just out the cost of lumber.

Items you will need
1"x8"x8' pieces of pine
Brad Nailer
1 1/4 brads
Wood glue
Classic grey 271
Special Walnut 224
80 grit-150 grit sandpaper
Orbital sander
Table Saw

Just get a 1 inch thick. 8inx 8 ft piece of pine

Cut in half to have two 4 foot sections.

Rip cut
2 3/4"
1 3/4"
1" 1/4

Route cut largest piece with Keyhole bit for mounting:
Measure 3 inches in from each side. And measure from one side to middle for 2" feet or center.

From top of pieces measure down an 1 1/4 inches as well and 3/4 down. This is where the router will stop when making key hole.

Wood glue and using a brad nailer. Use 1 1/4 brads.

Royalty Free music
Music by NCS
tobu Infectious
Sky High

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