TPC #19: "T" (Israeli Special Forces)

4 years ago

TPC #19: We will call him Bob. Verified on reddit during is IAMA, and having provided me with scans of his passport and military ID, Bob is a member of the Israeli Special Forces, has survived a terrorist ambush, has seen live combat, and is currently preparing for a job in Africa where he will train militias and tribesmen to fight ISIS. I know, this is crazy.

To my surprise, this episode was not just about adrenaline, fog of war, and the act of killing a man - although we did address all of those! My eyes were completely opened at the compassion and humanity this man spoke of, and similarly, the same mental illnesses and problems that plague humans worldwide.

There's really not much to say about this video - you honestly just need to watch it. I know that seems like a weak description and an easy way out of typing up this introduction, but it's not.

I can't wait to have Bob on again, and maybe next time I'll have a drink to toast to his wine. This video is full of bromance and laughing and dark humor. Jump on in and buckle up buckaroos.

Also, hey NSA.

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