Tasty Dumpling Lowell, MA

4 years ago

gf.me/u/zdp6ht My very close friends and Chinese family signed and paid for a restaurant property just days before the pandemic. We all were very hopeful that the location in Lowell, MA, a college town, would be an excellent location. Of course now with limited activity at the college and incomes being crushed as well as restaurant dining rules it is difficult to ensure success that during the best of times is a constant struggle. I understand that theirs is not the only restaurant that is struggling but it was such a blow to invest and open with such high hopes and spirits only to immediately after have to shut down for a month. Reopening with heavy handed COVID regulations has been a struggle and while they are just treading water and garnering great reviews I see the struggle and it breaks my heart. While my goal of $100,000 is perhaps optimistically unrealistic it is their initial investment.

They would be quite upset with me if they knew I started this page though it occurs to me that they are every bit as deserving of goodwill as anyone.

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