A Great Christmas Eve Message, 3417

4 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
I’m not a Catholic, but I stand in awe of the selfless service of Catholics going back for many centuries – carrying the good news of Christianity all the way up to this very troubled time in our history.
This is indeed the time where we will determine whether humanity plunges civilization into the abyss of permanent authoritarianism. That will be determined in these next two weeks.
What if the rule the antichrist is already here? What if the beheadings we saw with the rise of the ISIS cult were those prophecies mentioned in the Book of Revelations. What if we can beat back evil in this country – the bastion of freedom – the shining light on a hill for the whole world – and avoid the antichrist scenario in this nation?
As you can see, I’m no Biblical scholar, but I at least have read the entire book all the way through.
If America’s destiny is anything, then it is this – the safe harbor for Christendom. Let’s keep this in mind regarding our efforts for these next two weeks. Remember, one million have given their lives to get us to this place at this time to affect this result – but only if we give it our very best through Jan. 6th.
Yesterday, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, appeared on Fox & Friends and gave a great, great, common sense Christmas Eve message that will remind you why we are so fortunate to enjoy the freedoms preserved for us 244 years ago.
The thing that caught my attention with this interview was when Father Dolan laid out the difference between religion being “personal” but doesn’t mean that we can’t express it publicly.
Some Biden supporters are already trying to push religion further out of the public square and into the shadows. This group, calling themselves “Secular Democrats of America” want to, as they put it, “disentangle religious interests from federal policy.”
However, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and many others believed that religion was the source of all morality in our society.
When they talked about separation of church and state, that meant that the State should not be run by the clergy. However, one of the keys to the success of the United States is that our people were encouraged to be guided by a moral compass. That’s a polite way of saying be guided By the Holy Spirit of the Living God.
Without that moral guidance, you can’t make enough laws or hire enough police to make people behave in order to create what we know as a civilization.
Father Dolan politely gave Mr. Biden the benefit of the doubt, but criticized these secular Democrats.
[insert from: “… I hope he’s not there….” To “… of our government.”
Then Dolan spoke to the important role that schools that are based on a religious conviction play in instilling this moral compass in Catholic school children.
[insert from: “… what we say in our…” to: “… used to be.”]
Then Father Dolan gave this encouraging Christmas message.
[insert from: “A lot of people….” To “… this very moment.”]
So there it is, Christmas is celebrated during the darkest time of the year – right when we need the most encouragement.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good Day.

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