Trump's Triumphs #9: The Greatest Presidential Victory In U.S. History Arranged By Elohim's Spirit.

4 years ago

The world needs Donald J. Trump to Win a second term, the only question is who will get the credit. You or Donald or God. The spiritual battle is the only one worth waging because 1 man will chase a 1,000 and 2 Men (Husband & Wife) will chase 10,000...
Trump's Triumphs 8: Get On Board Spiritually With Sidney Powell and The Kracken...
Things are about to getting interesting with our Great President Donald J. Trump. If your feeling worried or demoralized by the evil of the demon-rats, then I have good news for you. You can be God's Army in support of Trump and if you do there may even be a little "sex" for you in the future. Watch and see why.
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The Mask Murder Of You & Donald J. Trump's Triumphs 4: Learn How To Pray For Him & Heal Yourself?
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Trump's 2020 Landslide Victory. God & Trump vs. Biden & The False Prophet. Mom, can we stay up late?
The Name of God, His Son The Messiah...

And Remember...
It's Very Simple...

Do Not Let The
Names Of The
Demons Cross
Your Lips.

Use God, And
Christ, and Never
jesus, lord, allah
hashem, jehovah,
adonay, etc...

So That They,
The Enemy's
Of God, Will
No Longer Be

They are Real,
so Don't Pray
To Them...

When You Do
It's Like Having
The Enemy
Tapping Your
Phone and
Listening In On
Your Prayers To
God Giving
Them Power
To Bring satan
Into Your Life.

And Even Though
God Knows Your
Heart Is Right,
You Are Still
Disobeying His
Word With

Do Not Let
The Names Of
The Demons
Cross Your Lips
Exodus 23:13...

The Blizzard of Bogus Journalism on Covid
Jeffrey A. Tucker
November 20, 2020
Deaths Of Pneumonia
vs. Influenza Deaths,
In the United States...
Year by Year...
2008-2009 =
473 Influenza
129,880 Pneumonia.
2009-2010 =
2,691 Influenza
130,451 Pneumonia.
2010-2-11 =
1,894 Influenza
136,161 Pneumonia.
2011-2012 =
665 Influenza
126,177 Pneumonia.
2012-2013 =
4,541 Influenza
138,092 Pneumonia.
2013-2014 =
4,366 Influenza
126,212 Pneumonia.
2014-2015 =
7,961 Influenza
131,858 Pneumonia...

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