[Photo Book] Love is / A True Love Guide For You, the Precious One 소중한 당신을 위한 진실한 사랑의 안내서

4 years ago

배경음악 출처:

1. 피치노아 Peach Noah (YouTube Channel)

2. 피아니스트 이경미교수 Esther KyungMi Lee
CD: Piano Praise Vol.2 Track no.8 예수 사랑하심은

Love is...

There are moments in life when everything seems perfect.

Those moments have to do with loving . . .

and showing our love for each other.
Love is something so much greater than we are.

Love believes that it can do all Things.
It can fill in the holes created by your shortcomings.

Love helps you embrace yourself as God created you . . .

and helps you appreciate others, too.

Love gives you a heart makeover . . .
and allows you to be yourself.

Love is patient.

Love is kind.
Love is willing to wait.

Love trusts.

It is a glimpse of the eternal.
Love knows no bounds.

It takes you where you didn't know you could go.

Love encourages.

Love inspires.

Love can even be unexpected.

Love perseveres.

Love is the only force that can make a potential enemy a friend.

Love opens your eyes.

Love never fails.

But where can you find such love?

God says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love."
You can't count God's love on your fingers . . . or toes.

You can only measure it with the depth of your heart.

God knows you intimately and loves you completely.
He smiles when He thinks of you.

You can be a mess;

you can be all wet;

You can be cute as a button;

you can be mad …

or sad …

or silly …

and God still loves you . . .
just as you are!

Sometimes He is the only one who can comfort you.

God believes in you even
when you are disappointed in yourself.

Like the sun rests behind the clouds,

so God's love is present even on difficult days.

He saves all of your tears in His bottle.

God's love gives and gives and gives.

It makes you feel like your weight in gold.

His love shines brighter than all your darkest times.

Where His love reigns, the very joy of Heaven itself is felt.

And when you let Him love you, you can pass it on.

For the Bible says, "We love because He first loved us."

Love is the one business

in which it pays to be an absolute spendthrift. So . . .

Give it away;

Splash it everywhere;

Pour it out;

Spread it around;

You just can't out give love.

It always comes back to you!
And tomorrow you'll have more love than ever.

So love with abandon, fervently,

from the heart . . .
. . . because Love is a foretaste of Heaven.

My prayer for you is that
you know how wide,
how long, how high, and how deep
His Love really is . . .
and that you overflow
more and more
with love for others.

#Jesus_loves_me #소중한영혼 #사랑받는존재 #gyssem #영어성경암송

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