Tweet Series Day 11 (Sept 27, 2020)

4 years ago

Hello Everybody, this is @JohnLennon. He was one of the most inspiring voices of a generation. Some may say he was the original #ColinKaepernick, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He may have just wanted to promote peace, and maybe he would have given away all his possessions. His message of unity has a huge warning Label. I do not want to live in a world where there is no Heaven. We need to believe in something right now more than ever as churches have been closed down and barely reopened. We live in a nation that says “In God We Trust” then in the next breath says you have the ‘Freedom of Religion.’ We believe that everyone has the right to live free. We choose not to Imagine an equal world; some other countries rule the way they want. We want our Nation to lead by example and inspire other nations to be like us. Hell does exist. Right now, it is being shown in our badly run cities where people have to live in fear. John’s socialist anthem should serve as a warning, when you cave into a certain way of thinking, there is only one step to go before the unthinkable completely takes over…

P— Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count, this is @DavidLeeRoth. He was and is the lead singer of a great band called @VanHalen. They have tons of hits and a couple of other good lead singers. David was featured first in Adam Sandler’s Song, “The Hannukah Song.” Adam has done in a few times, but the original is the funniest. Jewish people represent what is great in America, Hard Work. I was so proud of the world when Israel and the United Arab Emirates signed the Peace Treaty. World Peace is what it is all about. That is the how the World should Live as One… Another great @AdamSandler movie, is “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan.” The Zohan, cuts and styles hair and kicks all forms of ass…

Note—Play Green Day “Working Class Hero” “If you want to be a Hero, then just ‘follow’ me.” –John Lennon

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