Breast Cancer, Mammograms & Thermography Screenings

4 years ago

Are mammograms truly saving lives? The science has become very clear and even the National Cancer Institute and major medical journals like the Journal of the America Medical Association and others have published earth-shattering studies proving the futility of mammography.

Should you get a mammogram every year?

Do mammograms cause cancer?

Is breast cancer truly detected early with mammography screening?

​If you live near Clarksville TN, we are doing thermography screenings on Jan 20th all day long! You can schedule an appt below!
Scheduling link:

Full blog with references and resources:

Check out more of my videos here:

Immune System, Breast Cancer, Thermography Q&A w/the Wild Doc and Anna

Thyroid Nodules, Crohn’s Disease, Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism, What to Eat & More!

Visit or call 931-591-2010 to set up a phone or in-office consultation.

*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to treat, diagnose, or cure any medical condition. We must legally advise you to seek the assistance of a trusted health professional before making any changes to your health regime.

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