Special Message From President Trump FULL 14 minutes

4 years ago

President Trump issued this monumental speech on December 22, 2020, his second, but more in-depth, official response to the utter treason foisted upon our Constitutional Republic on Election Day, November 3, 2020. Rampant fraud knowingly facilitated, aided and abetted by the poisonous mainstream media, will go down in history as the death knell of the Deep State. Starting today, the arch-criminals of previous administrations and of the MSM, these puppets of the globalist banking elite, whose intent is to wrest control of all the nations of the world using the IMF, BIS, and their private Central Banks, to include the fraudulently-instituted, unconstitutional, and decidedly non-federal "Federal Reserve," and who use "The Great Reset" as their cover, Communism as their tool, and Marxists as their useful idiots, can be assured of meeting with Justice in the imminent Storm. God Bless Donald J. Trump. God Bless the Republic of the United States of America. God Bless the peoples of Urantia.

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