The End from the Beginning, Part One: Prophecy Proves There is None Like Yehovah

3 years ago

Bible prophecy is proof positive that Yehovah is God, and that there is no other. His claim is the He declares the end from the beginning.

I've been watching many Bible prophecy videos, and a common theme is that no one really knows what is going to happen between now and the Second Coming. But Bible prophecy clearly portrays the end events. In this series, after laying the foundation of why Bible prophecy is valid and understandable, I will start from the completion of the plan of salvation (the beginning of eternity after the end of the millennium) and work back to exactly where we are today in the prophecies. This method actually takes a lot of the guesswork out of the prophetic writings.

Join me over the next several weeks as we explore the end from the beginning.

--Tom Stapleton

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