Ryan Brooks - The Great Reset (No! No! No! No! No!)

4 years ago

Music video for Ryan Brooks' song "The Great Reset (No! No! No! No! No!)"

Ryan Brooks - Vocals, Keyboards, Drums
Fernando Perdomo - Bass, Guitar

I’ve recorded a song and video in protest of “The Great Reset,” the ominous, oncoming global event spearheaded by the World Economic Forum. Unfortunately, Facebook and YouTube have been restricting circulation of it so it’s been difficult to get it exposure.

As free citizens of the World born into the freedom of Natural Law and Moral Order, we need to spread the word that “The Great Reset” - or “Agenda 2030” as it is also known - is literally global communism coming our way. All governments worldwide have betrayed their citizens and quietly signed on to “The Great Reset” through the United Nations over the last few decades. You will know of “The Great Reset” agenda as it is presented using slogans like “Build Back Better” and “The Future Is In Their Hands.” Buzzwords like “sustainability” and the promotion of “green” ecological objectives are the same tools which have been used in Marxist propaganda throughout history, portrayed now as “fresh, exciting ideas” to appeal to the youngest generations they are attempting to indoctrinate with their Marxist ideology.

Using Covid as a “Trojan horse,” The World Health Organization has worked closely in conjunction with the World Economic Forum and governments worldwide to deliberately impose authoritarian rules in an effort to cause an unprecedented number of small businesses to close. Only monopolistic corporations will remain and humans will exist as the sole commodity to serve their purposes. By early next year, governments worldwide will ramp up their efforts by imposing astronomical property and “carbon footprint” taxes and retooling interest rates so that no one will be able to afford their homes or personal property. To justify this long-planned and force-fed agenda, the public face of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, has claimed in public headlines that “capitalism has failed and needs a good dose of Marxism.”

Their plan is for governments to offer to “forgive” *all* debts and provide a “universal basic income” in exchange that you sign away ownership of all your private property and allow yourself to be tracked and traced under inescapable surveillance. The infrastructure of 5G, which has been furiously rolled into place right outside most of our homes and businesses in the major metropolitan areas with little to no oversight or opposition, will handle the data stream the millions of cameras will send to their iris-recognition software systems in use in mainland China and already turned on in cities in the US like Orlando, Florida. This is a system of “social credit” where your every move will be recorded and government will have the authority to restrict your movements based on what it deems as “acceptable behavior.” It is being dubbed by many as “Communism 3.0” because not only is it the third time in modern history that global governance is being attempted, it dwarfs the efforts of dictators like Hitler and Stalin in its scope by means of technologies that did not previously exist.

Worse, the public face of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, is openly pushing a “transhumanism” agenda. Man and machine will ultimately be indistinguishable from one another and, in Schwab’s own words in his books titled “Covid-19: The Great Reset” and his own made-up “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” Artificial Intelligence ultimately renders humanity obsolete. There is now nanotechnology - which *can* be administered by vaccines and other means - which binds to human DNA and has the ability to modify or reprogram our actual thoughts and behavior. The process of “gene editing” has been in existence since the early 2000s and is reported to render humans “unconscious of God” and human emotion and make them subservient to the influence of their handlers. This is why 14 of the 17 objectives of “The Great Reset” plan for humanity will involve endless vaccinations, using Trojan-horse “viruses” like Covid as the excuse to keep injecting us with their gene-editing poison.

Additionally, many who endorse the concept of “eugenics” - the idea that the Earth is overpopulated and most people should be eliminated “in balance with Nature” - are working in lockstep with these globalists to push the vaccination agenda on humanity. Most visible in this effort is Bill Gates, whose father Bill Gates Sr. was a strong advocate of depopulation. The vaccines they push are known to cause sterility in men and women, right in line with the eugenics agenda.

The absolute reason you have not been hearing about any of this in the mainstream media is because they *own* all of the mainstream media and control the flow of information to manipulate you into believing the myth that this is a positive thing for humanity. Put into perspective, only *six* entities now own 90% of all television and broadcast media worldwide, in contrast to over 50 separate owners just a few decades ago. Rounded out by social media monopolies like Facebook and Twitter - who now incorporate known military-level artificial intelligence to police their forums for any posts they deem objectionable and you have Hitler-era Goebbels minister-of-propaganda tactics on steroids.

But don’t take my word for it, please go look and research for yourself. And no matter how many people push back at you, keep spreading the truth about this nefarious agenda which is already being rolled out in countries like Canada, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau went on national television a couple of weeks ago calling out in favor of The Great Reset by name and trying to tell Canadians it was time to embrace it.

If you’re like me, all of this makes your skin crawl and your fists clench. But the fact remains that while there are possibly thousands - maybe even a few million - of these people working to impose these horrific plans on humanity, there are still eight *billion* of us on Earth. It is time to create awareness, turn off the TV and constant slipstream of propaganda designed to divide us through phony political paradigms and manufactured social movements and unite with one another to create awareness and opposition now - our humanity literally lies in the balance.

As you’ll see in the video, European countries and other regions around the globe have already started to rebel in the streets as the deliberate, authoritarian closing of businesses in the name of Covid pushes them closer to the objectives of The Great Reset. No sane person wants this and those who call it conspiracy are just lazy or ignorant. Thanks for your time.

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