Great Explanation of the Sons of Issachar

4 years ago

Dad spends a lot of time explaining about The Sons of Issachar, and how we need men to step forward and pray for that anointing. Part of the video is from Claude's former YouTube channel and part of the video is David not quite understanding how that Israeli Tribe had a discerning anointing.

We want to talk to you about the anointing the sons of Issachar had and how we can have it also.

1) It gave them the inside knowledge and understanding of God’s
2) They were not taken by surprise when things happened.
3) They had influence as a result of their unique ability to
understand times and seasons.
4) They knew what Israel should do and when it should be done.
5) The nations followed their example.

1) Recognize that God is no respecter of persons.
2) Know that in Christ Jesus all the blessings that God gave
Abraham and his descendants also belong to the gentile
3) When you feel you shouldn’t take on anything new right now
because you feel like a new door is about to open.
4) When God leads you to stand for something of someone that
is biblically supported but isn’t popular.
5) When God starts to give you influence and people follow your

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