Incarnation & The Holy Family: Cui bono? III

4 years ago

IV. Holy does not mean perfect in terms of no sorrow or no failures though it is hard for me imagine what Our Lady ‘failed’ at. Perhaps walking as a toddler.

Ratzinger reflection on Our Lady of Guadalupe was quite insightful especially at this time in Dec.12, 2020 “It is significant that she wears no mask and that her face is visible…”
As a student of Ratzinger, his insights have enriched my life. However, I must respectfully but clearly part company form his opinion on the attitude of Mary & Joseph and the loss of Jesus at the Temple.

Ratzinger reflecting on the loss of Jesus in Temple rites, “For the parents, this was the start of days filled with fear and anxiety. According to the evangelist, it was only after three days that they found Jesus again in the Temple, where he was sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions (cf Lk 2:46)

Anxious, is Mary fearful with the loss of Jesus? pg 122. Fear is prohibited over 365 times (most of them found in the Old Testament) in the Bible. So, I respectfully but firmly disagree with Ratzinger. Mary is not fearful or anxious though she is concerned. Cf Lk 2:46-48

Fear is deriving from loss of trust in God’s Providence. Concern is a heightened emotion spurring to courage or action at times. Radically different to fear.

Fear of Lord gift of Holy Spirit. Look anxiously, frantically, looking really hard, everywhere not necessarily fearfully. Last place looked; first place should have checked. Confidence building to us.

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