Benefits of MSM

4 years ago

MSM is an essential sulfur compound which is found naturally in the human body. MSM is depleted from the body as we age but it can be taken as a supplement to restore our normal supply. The scientific name for MSM is methyl-sulfony methane or dimethyl sulfone. In its purest form it occurs as white crystals that are odorless and have a slightly bitter taste. MSM moves through the body and removes toxins and other contaminants from the blood. It repairs and restores the body at the cellular level.

For more information on MSM and MSM Product Reviews, Click On The Link:

Some of the claimed benefits of MSM are: healthy hair, skin and nails, removal of stretch marks and reducing of wrinkles. It is also claimed that MSM is useful for the treatment of:

* Asthma
* Arthritis
* Allergies
* Alzheimer's
* Cancer
* Constipation
* Diverticulosis
* Fatigue
* Heartburn
* High Blood Pressure
* Liver Problems
* Lupus
* Mood Problems
* Muscle Cramps
* Muscle Pain
* Obesity
* Osteoporosis
* Parasites
* Pneumonia
* Poor Immune System
* Snoring
* Toxic build-up
* Toxic build-up
* Ulcer
* Upset Stomach
* Wounds, Cuts
* Yeast Infections
* And the list goes on and on

UPDATE, Aug. 31, 2013: I have been using Exclusive Wellness Club MSM Powder once per day in juice but I did not take it everyday. I decided to increase my intake to twice per day and add a little bit of Vitamin C powder; I also add a little bit of the MSM powder to any drink that I have throughout the day (except soda, alcohol, tea).

I drink mainly citrus juices during the day so I would add about a half tsp. of MSM powder and a little vitamin C powder each time that I drink about 20 ounces. The first thing that I noticed was that I feel more calm and focused and my eyesight is clearer.

I also put some MSM lotion in the palm of my hand and add a little bit of the MSM powder to this and mix it in until it dissolves. I rub this mixture into my scalp. My scalp itching has stopped completely and I believe I will have more growth. The MSM lotion that I use is Raw Food World MSM Lotion Face and Body, Medicinal Lotion.

For more information on MSM and MSM Product Reviews, Click On The Link:

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