HOW women Destroy Nations & other Uncomfortable Truths!

4 years ago

Video showing how the rebellious, stubborn and DEEPLY self centered nature of women destabilizes the family and leads to the DESTRUCTION of Entire Nations. This is something that most Feminist Brainwashed younger people today, especially women will either mock, laugh or scoff at, the FACTS of History are clear on this as this has been KNOWN for Millennia as the ROCKEFELLERS and others that FUNDED modern feminism are GLOBALISTS and DO NOT care about America or what happens to it, they only USED America, it's Freedom, Constitution and people to build THEIR WEALTH whom they really pledge to Satan as that is where there real allegiances lie.

Whether YOU believe in Satan or not DOES NOT Matter.. THEY DO and they ACT accordingly which is what makes them sooo dangerous to the entire world.

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