Lenovo Star Wars Jedi Challenges Review Part II: Gameplay

4 years ago

Welcome to Part II of my 2 part review of the Lenovo Star Wars Jedi Challenges Augmented Reality Gaming Bundle.

Whereas the first part of the review covered the 3 major hardware components of this set, this video is all about the gameplay elements of Lenovo Jedi Challenges.

These include Holochess (or Dejarik), the large scale ground wars, and the lightsaber duelling aspects of the game (with the latter also including various challenges deflecting blaster fire with your lightsaber).

While not perfect, this set is great fun and a truly amazing achievement for anyone with a lifelong dream to take on villainous Force users such as Darth Maul and Darth Vader. I've been having an absolute blast taking on these challenges myself, and I can easily recommend it to any and all Star Wars fans!


A special thanks goes out to Maria Palermo of the Maria Palermo channel for her footage of Porg Island. You can see Porg Island as well as her entire battle with Snoke's nasty Praetorian Guards here:


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