Birds : Video for People and Cats to Watch

4 years ago

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Birds - Video for People and Cats to Watch : The birds in the video are... european goldfinch,european robin, blue tit, great tit, dunnock (aka hedge sparrow), chaffinch, and blackbird. Many of the birds are fledglings and juveniles so look quite the adults ~ Thanks for watching #birds #BirdsOfInstagram #birdstagram #birdseyeview #birdsofprey #BirdsOfAFeather #birdsofig #birdsofaustralia #birdseye #birdsnest #birdsofparadise #birdsong #birdsphotography #birdskull #birdslover #birdsinflight #birdselite #birdsofindia #birdsmagazine #birdsofafeatherflocktogether #birdsarealifetime #birdsofsouthafrica #birdsetfree #birdsplanet #birdslife #birdsofinsta #birdsanctuary #birdslovers #birdspotting #birdsview

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