Tweet Series Day 3 (Sept 19, 2020)

4 years ago

Hello Everybody, this is #DinoCiccarelli. He was a professional hockey player for many years. I was watching when he scored his 300th career goal while a member of the #MinnesotaNorthStars. It was an epic game vs. the #ChicagoBlackhawks. Both teams had around 60 shots each and ended in a 7-7 tie which was fine with me. It is great to see effort like that from two teams with similar values. The #ChicagoBlackhawks are a staple in the city. They have been for many years and have a logo of strength. The North Stars are unfortunately no longer in the great state of #Minnesota but their legacy cannot be forgotten. Now they have the #Wild which is what the city of Minneapolis has become. Hopefully it can return to the glory days. Back to Dino, his name is proudly Italian in the spirit of #ChristopherColumbus. Dino may be Canadian but to me he is an Italian-American Icon.

P. Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count, this is #AlanAlda. He played in one of the great TV shows of all time, #MASH. He is a terrific actor who has played catch with other terrific actors. MASH was before my time but had a huge influence on American culture. From a source who is not on Social Media, a great quote from the show was to #Hawkeye from #ColonelPotter, “It’s All About the Timing.” If you know someone who is older, tell them Social Media is for all Adults. Hey, you are only as old as you feel.

Note—Play “Mash Theme Song”; #Mash

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