【140】病原体の存在は、証明されているのか - 大橋眞

4 years ago


In the control of infectious diseases, it is essential to analyze what pathogens are. To what extent is the pathogen of this infectious disease known?
What is certain is that the gene structure has been announced by the Chinese group, and that PCR tests have begun in various countries around the world using this gene structure.
In order to confirm the pathogen, it is necessary to confirm whether this gene structure is correct and to conduct a demonstration experiment on pathogenicity and transmission.
In infection experiments, it is necessary that the genes of the pathogen used for infection and the pathogen obtained from the lesion site basically match the gene structure of the Chinese paper. In addition, the same gene must be confirmed from the lesion site of the pathological autopsy. In confirming the transmission, it is necessary to confirm whether the pathogen of the same gene is present in the droplets and whether the same pathogen can be confirmed in the infection experiment.
Gene matching is indispensable for the confirmation of such pathogens. Next, quantitative analysis is required. Is there a level of pathogen that causes the lesion?
At present, there is no fact that the identity has been confirmed at the genetic level. Some treatises have PCR and sequence data, but they do not show agreement with Chinese treatises. The existence of the pathogen has not yet been scientifically proven.
Analysis at the gene level like this should be technically easy. However, in related papers, there is no data for such an analysis. What does this mean?

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