Anonymous Message to Bill Gates About His Secret Global Vaccine Agenda

4 years ago

To Bill Gates who funded Event 201 along with the Rockefeller foundation to distribute Gates's company Biotechs new MRA wireless Bio-metric I.D, vaccine that has a patent # 060606 worldwide it goes on like a band aid and Covid-19 was just a trial run by the elites. Event 201 5 months before supposed Covid-19 went Global with the head of the gates foundation doctor, the head of the World Health Organization and the head of the Peoples Republic of China leading the way. We know Gate and China are the 2 biggest funders to the W.H.O. now that President Trump is pulling us out. Both the Rockefellers and the gates have the same agenda of population control as they both seat on the council of foreign relations which founded the United Nations in which the world heatth organization is a branch of.

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