BREAKING! Claims of Election Fraud Totally Debunked! - Dec. 19, 2020

4 years ago

After an intensive forensic audit of the most well-known voting machines and software (such as Dominion Voting Systems), a world famous tech expert hired by Fox News has thoroughly debunked the conspiracy theory that machines or software could be manipulated in anyway to switch votes from President Trump to Joe Biden — and that election fraud doesn't exist. The final word: Democrats ran the most secure and honest election ever is U.S. history (Even Trump's own people at DHS agree.)

Fox News has proven, without a doubt, that Joe Biden had an overwhelming and historic landslide victory over Donald Trump, and suggests Trump should immediately concede to Biden, accept defeat, and drop any and all fake and bogus claims about "rigged elections", adding, to continue with any further investigations or lawsuits would only cast doubt on the integrity of our elections, threaten our democracy and pose a very grave national security risk. (Former CIA director John Bannon agrees.)

Fox News's most popular celebrity cable news stars — Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham — have all agreed: there was no basis at all to question the 2020 elections and strongly suggests that Trump's supporters should stop spreading disinformation on social media and accept the election results. And that's also why the highest-rated Fox News hosts no longer support Trump and feel it's more important to the American people that they only concentrate on Hunter Biden's laptop rather the next leader of the Free World. -- because the election is over. It's a done deal.

As Fox News' Greg Gutfeld and Joe "China" Biden would say: PERIOD!

P.S. Have you noticed the recent Fox News talking point that every pundit now uses now when referring to a Story about Hunter Biden's laptop? They all say, "We are the ONLY ones who reports on this story and no one else!" I think they mentioned it once or twice after Twitter censured a New York Post article about it BEFORE the election, but only AFTER the election did Fox News POUND THIS STORY TO DEATH EVERY DAY.

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