Feds bust drug ring they say used fraternities to supply students at UNC and Duke

4 years ago

Federal authorities have broken up a massive drug trafficking ring that supplied cocaine and marijuana to college students across North Carolina, leading to nearly two dozens arrests, officials said Thursday. (NBC News)

The 21 defendants include students, and they're accused of funneling drugs, often through fraternities, to schoolmates at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University and Appalachian State University, authorities said. (NBC News)

During a press conference outside of the Hillsborough Sheriff's Office, Matt Martin, the US Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina, announced the bust alongside Orange County Sheriff Charles Blackwood and other members of law enforcement. (Yahoo News)

According to Martin, the defendants funneled thousands of pounds of marijuana, hundreds of kilograms of cocaine, LSD, MDMA, mushrooms, steroids, Xanax, human growth hormones, and narcotics throughout the North Carolina college campuses. (Yahoo News)

Prosecutors said the total amount of money made through the trafficking scheme was not immediately available, but exceeded $1,500,000. (Fox News)

The suspects range in age from 21 to 35, with the majority being in their mid-20s. It’s unclear how many are or were students at the three schools. (Fox News)

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/us/major-drug-ring-busted-that-fed-pot-cocaine-3-north-carolina-colleges

Source: https://news.yahoo.com/large-scale-drug-ring-operating-192040224.html

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/feds-bust-drug-ring-used-fraternities-supply-students-unc-duke-n1251594

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